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Our food was brought to us. Roc was across from me, Prince was on my right and ray to my left. Next to Ray was his mom, then Prince's then mine.

Princeton took one of my fries and I took a shrimp. Then Ray took one and I slapped his shoulder. We all laughed and Ray got mad. We all thought it was hilarious! NOT RAY!

Princeton played with my hand under the table and I slapped it.

"Ow!" He yelled like a little punk.

"What?" Ray askes.

"Nothing I just. pinched myself."

"Ha. Ha. Ha." Roc pretended to laugh

Ray just sat at the table dieing!

"Before I forget...I got you a gift Lay." Ray said.

"Aww. Really!?"

"Haha. Nope! Gotcha."

"Ray!" His mom hit him upside the head. "So damn rude."

Again there was laughter in wich Ray didn't take part in.

"Well I do have a gift." Prince slid out of the booth. "Will you stand up Lay?"

"As long as you don't get down on one knee." I joked. He winked.

He pulled out a silver necklace with half of a heart on it. He showed me his wrist wich had a bracelet with the other half on it. He stood in front of me and when he put his arms behind my neck and leaned in to "clip the necklace together" he also kissed my neck with no one noticing.

"Happy birthday." He whispered in my ear.

"Awww! It looks beautiful!" All the mom said at once.

"Thanks." I kissed Princetons cheek and giggled when he blushed. "I love it."

After dinner Princeton and I waited outside while the others waited for the bill. Princeton held me ans we rocked back and forth.

"I wanna kiss you so bad right now." I admited.

"Don't tell me your scared..."

"I'm not."

"Do it then."

I hid my fear and went for it. I tighten my grip on his neck. I kissed him and he kissed back. All too soon he pulled away.

"They'll be back any second now." He said, popping the bubble that was my happiness.

We held hands and swung them in between us.

"Why are you so perfect?" He asked me.

"The same reason you are." I replied with a wink.

We sat on a bench and I leaned on his shoulder, looking up at the dark sky. Barely any stars out

"Princeton I like you."

"I like you too."

"I really really like you."

"I really really like you too." He said with a chuckle

"I think I'm falling."

"Well I'm here to catch you."

I kissed his cheek and sighed. When they came out we said our goodbyes and hugged one another. Princetons mom likes me! I considered tonight a success.

Sticks and Stones may break my bones but ROC will never hurt meWhere stories live. Discover now