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I didn't cry while I told my mom what happened. Maybe because I always knew deep down that Princeton being who he is we could never last. She was completey understanding. Now she was in an awkward position because Princeton and his mom are stopping by later to adopt a dog. Great.

I just hope she doesn't mention it. She told me I was welcome to come here whenever I needed to. Not to be a bratt, but I hope they stop rehearsing at the house...that's my world and Rocs now too, but I don't wanna feel like I HAVE TO share.

I told my mom about how Prod was coming tommorow and wanted to stay with us. Of course she agreed. She has such a hard time being strict. She wants to be a fun mom, I love her for that.

When I got home I went quietly into Rocs room, taking Bella with me so she wouldn't bark. If I go in my room i'll be forced to see him.

I layed on Rocs unmade bed. I got on Twitter and began a post "Princeton and I are not together anymore. I'm single again." I tweeted the post after screenshotting it. I sent it to IG and made sure to tag him.

I saw that Prodigy liked it and so did fans.

-Oh! Prod so wants her

-Shutup you guys don't know why he liked it!

-So Prince is single again!? YESSS

I always thought my first breakup would leave me crying and feeling broken, but it didn't. I just feel how I did before I dated him...I feel like...myself. I'm not sure how to explain it. I just feel like we weren't meant to be.

Prodigy sang to me again.


"Hey Layna."

"I was just ganna call you! My mom said you can stay."

"Cool. So..you and Prince..."

"Broke up. There was another girl at the meet and greet when I went and apparently he was feeling her too...they kept in touch."

"Im so sorry..."

"Don't be. I'm fine. Really I am, Im not sad or anything. I was at first, but I got over it."

"Maybe because he wasn't who you want."


"Maybe there someone else who'd treat you a million times better then he could."

I chuckled. "Yeah right! Like who?"

*awkward silence* "Like me."

"Wait...are you forreal?"


"Oh. Prodigy I need time ya know? It's just that I don't want people to be mad. A lot of girls like you."

"Well it doesn't matter because I like YOU."

"When's your flight?" I asked changing the subject.

"I land at 7am."

"Okay. See you then."

"iight. Bye Layna."

"Bye Prod."

Sticks and Stones may break my bones but ROC will never hurt meWhere stories live. Discover now