The different shades of Grey

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???: ... ... ... ...

???: ... ... ... ...

???: ... Emotional prick.

???: Retribution.

The Retribution: Since you are here, and if I am correct

The Retribution: WILL NOT LEAVE

The Retribution: until you have finished whatever

The Retribution: BUSINESS

The Retribution: you have sought me out for, you will be required to--in the mortals' terms--

The Retribution: WALK WITH ME.

The Emissary: Fair Enough.

The Retribution: ... ... ... ...

The Emissary: ... ... ... ...

The Retribution: ... ... ... ...

The Emissary: ... ... ... ...

The Retribution: ... ... ... ...

The Emissary: ... ... ... ...

The Emissary: You know, this time in mortal history is...

The Emissary: Peaceful.

The Retribution: I understand what you mean. For a race bent on


The Retribution: they do have some peaceful eras. Right now, this world is...

The Retribution: UNCOMPLICATED,

The Retribution: almost as if one could say...

The Emissary: Innocent?

The Retribution: ... ... ... ...

The Retribution: ... ... ... ...

The Retribution: ... ... Yes, innocent.

The Emissary: ... ... ... ...

The Emissary: ... ... Quit that. I know that

The Emissary: Habit

The Emissary: has killed many mortals. Besides, those things do not even belong in this time period in mortal history. Are you trying to create a

The Emissary: Time Paradox?

The Retribution: Pft. Why not ask if I want a

The Retribution: SPACIAL REND

The Retribution: while you are at it. Besides, I

The Retribution: WILL DO WHAT I WISH.

The Retribution: You will not stop me, at least...

The Retribution: NOT ANYMORE.

The Emissary: ... ... ... ...

The Emissary: ... ... ... ...

The Emissary: ... ... ... ...

The Emissary: ... ... You still should not do that, it will harm the citizens.

The Retribution: In less than the blink of my eye they will be maiming each other anyway.

The Retribution: WHY SHOULD I CARE?

The Emissary: ... ... You once did.

The Retribution: ... That was then, this is now. How about we go watch the

The Retribution: ENTERTAINMENT

The Retribution: at that coliseum over there? All this talk of the

The different shades of GreyWhere stories live. Discover now