Aria's Heritage

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Aria: So what's this thing strangely friendly Court God?

???: Hee hee. This is something that will allow you to travel through

???: The Multiverse

???: without dying from overexposure.

Aria: Not going to ask about overexposure to what, but... this is a worn out carpet. And you're holding some sort of really long pole... how does this work?

Aria: ^v^

???: ... Do not think too much on the details.

Aria: Alrighty then.

???: Do climb aboard.

Aria: Hyup!

Aria: ^o^

Aria: Wow!! I can see so much from up here!

???: Yes, I should think that you could.

Aria: Hey, what you're name anyway? It just seems wrong for me to go on an adventure with someone and impose on them without even learning who they are.

???: ... ... ... ...

???: :)

Aria: ^.^ -?

???: ... Your Mother

???: taught you well; I am known as The Emissary.

Aria: Cool! Nice to meet you, Emissary. I hope we get to be great friends, seeing as you're one of the nicer Court Gods.

The Emissary: ... ... Yes...

Aria: Where are we going anyway?

The Emissary: Well, I wanted to grant your wish.

Aria: ...?

The Emissary: I am going to try to take you to see

The Emissary: The Person You Miss Most.

Aria: !

Aria: Really? You'd do that for me? But, we don't even know each other much yet! We're total strangers...

The Emissary: ... ... ... ...

The Emissary: We are closer than you think, one could say that there is an

The Emissary: Unspoken Bond

The Emissary: between us.

Aria: Whatever you say Emissary.

Aria: ~~~~~~~~~~~!

Aria: Wow... All these stars, it's so profoundly beautiful...

Aria: ouo

The Emissary: Yes, it is very breath taking, is it not?

Aria: Eh? This is a school... ... Very much like my own...

The Emissary: This is an instance in the Multiverse from

The Emissary: Your Father's

The Emissary: adolenscence.

Aria: This is something from my sire's past?

The Emissary: Not exactly. This instance is very much like your own, but to make a long story short--as

The Emissary: Your Mother

The Emissary: so kindly taught me to once do--basically this instance and all the people in it are considered to be

The Emissary: Alternate Universe Versions.

Aria: So, they're like if a coin lands on heads when "I" flip it, "other me" from over here gets tails?

The Emissary: A very simple analogy, but yes.

Aria: Cool! So they get to do all the what ifs and stuff.

???: Mmmmrrrr... that's it! Plays make me a lost cause, I quit.

Aria: Oh...Oh my god, I'd know that voice from anywhere... ...

Aria: o.o

Aria: Please--! Please Emissary, could you stop this carpet?! I need to--

The Emissary: ... I'll be waiting right here.

Aria: Th-Thanks...!

The Emissary: Oh dear...

Aria: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~!

???: Hm?

???: Oh! What--?!

Aria: I'm sorry! I know you're not him, but... ... I just--I really need this!

???: Ouch! Are you trying to hug me, or break me in half?

Aria: ;~;

???: Well now, who're you little anonymous miss? I'd call you my anonymous sister, but somehow that just seems to feel wrong. Do I know you?

???: ?w?

Aria: ... ... ... ...

Aria: No, you don't know me. I love you though, daddy 'Bro. I'm telling myself that you're not him, but when I look at you all those thoughts die at the sight.

Aria: ;~;

Anonabro: Mmmph! You really know how to squeeze someone, don't you little anonymous miss?

Aria: ... ... ... It's been so long... ... I really missed hearing your voice, daddy. Even--Even if it's not really you... I miss you.

Anonabro: Oh!! Jeez, you've sure got a killer grip. I feel like I know you from somewhere...?

Aria: ... ... ... ...

Anonabro: ?w?

Aria: ... No, you don't. ... ... I'm going to be leaving now, forget I was even here.

Anonabro: Hmmmmmm...

Anonabro: Ah! Now I know why. Little anonymous miss, you look like C.C.!

Aria: ...?

Anonabro: You're very pretty, are you sure you wouldn't like to stay? I'd like to get to know you better; your resemblance to C.C. is remarkable!

Aria: ;v;

Aria: ... I would love to stay here with you, I just can't though.

Anonabro: Okay then, I won't press you.

Aria: You never did.

Anonabro: =w=

The Emissary: ... Are you finished?

Aria: Yeah... ...

The Emissary: ... ... ... ...

Aria: ... ... ... ...

The Emissary: You know, that instance is the singular instance in which not one of the Manifests die.

Aria: Eh?

The Emissary: ... ... ... Not a single one. It is perhaps one of my most favourite instances in the Multiverse.

Aria: Could you name another?

The Emissary: ... ... ... ...

The Emissary: The one you are from.

Aria: ^v^

The Emissary: :)

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