Golden Sun Dark Dawn OC Character

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Race:Rare Elf
Hair Color:Gold
Eye Color:Raspberry
Battle Style:Mage
Weapons:Tomes and Staffs
Body Armor:Dresses
Arm/Hand Armor:Gloves
Head Armor:Hats


Yunosami wears a short shelve shirt with shorts. She is the same height as Karis, she has a skinny body frame, and has a thin waist, Cup size b, 78cm she has a average bust size, she has a smooth skin tone that looks like a mixture between peach and tan. Just don't underestimate her or you'll have to face her wrath.


Yunosami is soft, caring, sweet, and kind. She is a earth adapt, she is very outgoing, loves the great outdoors.
Yunosami has a mature-type personality, despite the fact that She's only in her early twenties. Even if she is a earth adapt, their is something about her that not a lot of people know of. They don't even know where she came from, her place of birth remains unknown and the whereabouts her parents also remains a complete mystery. Some aren't even sure if she's a human or something else entirely.

Notice the question mark next to her hometown? Comment and tell me what should be the name of Yunosami's town.

Notice the question mark next to her hometown? Comment and tell me what should be the name of Yunosami's town

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"Hello, my name is Yunosami, nice to meet you."

"My parents? Sorry but I have no clue where they are, I'm not even sure if I have any siblings."

"I'm a earth adapt, so meaning I can control earth magic, and I can also use nature magic as well."

"The reason why I joined Matthew's party was because I figured they were going to need someone who can heal and remove Status alignments."

"So far I'm really enjoying myself, going to different places and meeting all different kinds of people. It's quite the experience. And I wouldn't trade it for anything else."

OC Character Book #3Where stories live. Discover now