t w e n t y - s i x

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Just as I hoped, in the middle of the night the storm had slowed and the plow workers had worked for several hours to clear the main roads

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Just as I hoped, in the middle of the night the storm had slowed and the plow workers had worked for several hours to clear the main roads.

When Winter and I awoke again, it was by the noise of our parents bursting through the doors. Both of our mothers were practically in tears as they scooped all of us up in their arms and expressed their concern. All while our dads were admiring our handiwork with the generator albeit they were concerned to hear that Winter and I had ventured outside in the thick of the storm to get the gasoline.

"Mom, I'm fine." I say for what seems to be the millionth time as I give her another hug.

She holds her thin hand for her lips as she fights the tears spilling over my eyes. My heart warms at the knowledge of my mother's worry and that she missed us so much. "I'm sorry I was just so worried about you. I didn't know if you knew what to do in these situations and I kept beating myself up for not preparing you in some way." She sobs.

I smile softly at her, chuckling a little bit. "Mom, it's okay. Winter took great care of us, I promise."

Her large eyes glide over to Winter who is now freshly showered and opting a pair of jeans and a red Champion hoodie. "Thank you so much, Winter, I'm so grateful that you took such great care of them." She surges forward and hugs him tightly.

His cheeks visibly darken from the attention of all four of our parents but his arm come around her loosely and his hand pats her awkwardly on the back. "No problem at all, Mrs Thornton. It was all my pleasure really." He gives me a sly grin.

"Well thank you all the same, son." My father gives him a nod.

"Of course." Winter nods back with a smile.

Clearing my throat, I begin to gather my things and shove them in the backpack I brought. As I shove my laptop and slippers into the bag, I feel a strange sadness overtake me.

I know that Winter said things are going to be even better now that we're not confound to his home twenty four seven. Yet there's still something in me that worries that this is a heat of the moment thing and there's no real commitment.

I would never ask Winter to commit to being my boyfriend quite yet anyway considering we've only known each other a few short days but there's still that girly part of me that wants to be able to know he's committed to me.

Not that he isn't because I know Winter to be the opposite of flighty but, then again, I haven't known him long enough to find out. So far, everything seems like a game of I know and I don't know's in my head.

Winter stays downstairs while I shuffle up to his bathroom and grab my own clothes. I almost put on the musty smelling jeans and shirt but then think better of it.

Keeping his clothes will insure that I have to make myself talk to him in order to return the items. Knowing myself, I will feel very weird about what's happened with Winter and, though it also makes me really happy, I'll wait for him to make the first move. So just in case he doesn't, this will give me incentive to talk to him myself.

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