中本悠太: Sparkle and Shine

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"You don't scare me."

It was a long trip from the current world to the underworld, however for Yuta Nakamoto. It was just a flick of his wrist. He was so used to helping people from the different dimensions that Hell just seem like Earth. With the addition of big flying ugly looking dramons (Dragon demons) and normal demons.

Or so Yuta thought.

When the dark brown hair got there, a fire ball nearly hit his face. However, he quickly dodged it as it hissed in the nearby lava. 'Now, this is what I call shit happens.' The Japanese thought picking up a piece of rock and tossing it in the air. Then, he remembered he was looking for someone. But who?

There was definately a war happening here with strikes of fire and streams of light all over. That now Yuta identify as angelic magic. However, he saw a different type of magic coming from the other corner. It was orange. 'Bingo.' The dark brown hair male thought as he approach the source of magic and bumped into someone. Feathery soft wings touched his arms, giving Yuta a warm feeling.

The Japanese opened his eyes in slight surprise as he grabbed hold of the other, stabilising him. "Ouch." The other male claimed softly, his voice gentle and sweet. Something that Yuta missed.


"Are you okay-" The shorter's words were slowly cut off by the other male's, his black hair tossled. "No time explain, sir. I have to protect my Lord." A shield appeared in one of the male's petite hands and a pink aura covered him. Yuta's eyes widen staring at the black hair male as he approached the light.


"Foolish little angel. You think you can defeat me?" The creature growled, it's red eyes glowed even brighter. The black hair male just remain slient, staring at the creature with bold eyes. "Speak your freak!" The creature approached him, along with his master. The creature gave a snarl, showing it's teeth. "...not worth it." The taller mumured. "What?" The creature questioned angrily. The raven took out his sword, the white gold details shining brightly. "You're not worth it."


The creature let out a sharp cry as in the speed of light, the dangerous beauty consumed him. Piercing deep through the creature contrasting monstrous skin. A pink bubble surround the other male, who was shorter than the raven. He seemed to be healing in it. More and more creatures, demons, dramons of different levels of power started approaching them. Knowing that they all might be kill because of that Angel. They defend.


Yuta wanted to tell the other male that there's no way he couldn't handle so many of them. But he was supposed to be cold, cunning and cruel. He was not supposed to save him but still...

"Stop!" He shouted commanding some of the dark creatures that decided to approach him and before the dark brown hair knew. He was fighting for the Angels. "Wait..." Yuta's eyes glowed in a rose gold as he felt something with more power. A dark, colourful but bright state. A very mysterious type of magic that is not supposed to appear in Hell. Hack, it was not supposed to appear at all.

Yuta spotted red eyes glowing in the dark. Soft yet cunning rubies. It was killing the creatures that past him and Yuta thought he was one of the Angels. But... It striked at one of the normal angels on defence. The angel let out a shriek on que. It was heading towards the tallest who was still occupied with the other enermies. "Hey!" The dark brown hair said trying to get the other's attention. "Watch out-"


A bright light spread through the entire grounds of the undead as Yuta heards cries of agony, groan and moans of pain and dispair. Yuta's hair turned a pinkish colour from the aura. The Japanese blocked his eyes from the blinding light as he spot the other male.  Yuta grabs him, his eyes turning a brighter shade of rose gold. Escaping into his carven. Never looking back.



Ribbons of rose gold grabs angel as they tried to fix his wings, feathers lightly fluttering. When he woke up, he spotted the pinkish hair male, his eyes still bright in concentration. "You..." He tried to speak but it came out as a whisper. "Oh. You're awake." Yuta said, trying to sound as cold as possible. "Yes. Where am I sir-" The pinkish hair male immediately injected. "Yuta. Just Yuta will do." The other tried to get up, however, Yuta just pushed him back down. "Yuta please let me go."

The shorter sighed as he continued to hold the younger down. "I'm not letting you go until you heal. So please just stay heal or I will make you." "You don't scare me." Yuta's eyes widen in surprise. That's a first. No one ever said that before. "I...see..." Yuta hesitated, voice soften now. Yuta's powers had turned the other male's hair to a light chocolate brown as he began to relax.

"Don't act like something you're not." The chocolate brown haired said, immediately surprising Yuta more. "W-what? I'm not-" The taller cut him off. "You're nice. So, don't try be cold and scary. You're not going to scare me." Yuta looked at the younger. Rose gold orbs meet the brown ones. "Who...are you? And why are you saying this?" The other male bowed his head down as he spoke. "I'm Sicheng. As a person who sees good in you, I refuse it let this go."

"I'll make sure you turn to how you were before, Yuta."

Author's note: Hey guys! So this is how Yuta and Sicheng came to meet. I think you can guess, they eventually got together~ hahaha. I hope you enjoy this chapter and thank you for reading my book!! Mushy out! 💕

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