Chapter 2....Just The Beginning

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AUGUST 2ND 2014: I was having a normal summer day. I was just going on throughout my day, until it came time to go to sleep. It was 10:00PM, and I just laid down for bed. I fell asleep, and I didn't have a normal dream. It was actually a nightmare, and to be quite honest... It scared the living hell out of me!

My nightmare was about me being possessed by something truly evil. It was so realistic, that I almost didn't think that I was asleep. It was like a night terror or something of the sort. I would just be walking around in my dream, with a group of people, I would be completely normal, and then the next second, they could tell that It wasn't my normal self because I acted completely different according to them. Everyone in that nightmare tried to help me become back to 'normal', but nothing helped. I think I might have been possessed by some demon or evil spirit in my nightmare.

After that nightmare (on the same night), I was woken up by 3 very LOUD knocks on my wall next to my door. I wasn't dreaming at all. It was completely black and just out of nowhere the knocking happened....I don't know if I was actually asleep or if I was beginning to fall asleep...I didn't really know what it was. I looked around my room, trying to figure out what that noise was. I looked in the hallway, and it was dark nobody was there. I decided to walk down the stairs and see if someone was awake, but it was about 4:00 AM, and everyone was asleep in their beds. I even tried to come up with a rational explanation of maybe a branch hit my roof or something, but we didn't really have trees around my house. I couldn't think of any other thing it could have been. My siblings wouldn't joke around like that and they were asleep.

I didn't really know what to do at this point...I was timid about going upstairs, so I stayed downstairs to check every room out. Nobody was here, (besides my sleeping family). I felt strange, like something wasn't right. the air was thick, and I couldn't help but to feel nauseous. The air almost felt as if there were bad energies around me. I felt a panic attack coming on so I hurried up the stairs, and when I walked into my bedroom the atmosphere felt completely normal, and not as strange like downstairs..

I looked around my room just to make sure that nobody was in here, and I laid down on my bed. I tried to go back to sleep, but it just seemed nearly impossible. My mind kept me awake, thinking about what the noise was.. "Who or what was in our house?" and all sorts of bad thoughts that I didn't want filling my mind at this moment. I tried to brush it all off and not let the bad thoughts get to me, I was almost asleep.... Then I thought I heard footsteps in the hallway, I suddenly didn't feel tired at all. My heart was pounding... I was laying down in my bed on my side, facing my wall. because I was frozen with fear, I felt like I couldn't move to see if someone was standing right behind me. I was too terrified to turn around to see what was going on behind me.

I continued to keep trying to fall asleep, but how could I? I felt as if someone were in the room with me, creeping up to me slowly or trying not to 'wake me'. My eyes started to water and my vision blurred from the tears building up in my eyes. I didn't know what I should do. I knew that it wasn't one of my family members.... "was it an intruder?"... I tried to ignore whoever, or whatever was there in the room with me; but I felt as if 'it' was watching me. I finally managed to fall asleep around 5:30 AM. I thought that the horror was over, until I realized that this wouldn't stop until I did something about it...

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