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        My grip was firm on Zach's wrist as we left the movie theater. When we got in the car my fingers tapped the steering wheel angrily. I looked over at Zach to see his eyes filled with tears. "What's wrong babe?" I ask gently. Zach looked at me "you hurt me" he rubbed his wrist, "you didn't have to grab me that hard." Zach turned toward the window and sniffled. I sighed and pulled into our driveway, I got out and went inside. When Zach got in he went immediately to bed and I stayed up to have a glass of milk. When I finished my milk I went to the bedroom, I laid down in bed beside Zach and went to put my arms around him but they were smacked away. I frowned and turned my back to him. "Whatever, you'll come crawling back when you want what's in my pants." Zach sat up and looked at me with sad eyes. "That's what you think?" His eyes clouded with more tears. "I'm leaving" Zach got up and left the room, I heard him slam the front door shut. I rubbed the bridge of my nose and sighed.

"Great, just great."

•Zach's Pov•

I rushed out of the house, my heart heavy with sadness. I didn't know where I was going but after a while of walking I stumbled upon a bar. I usually didn't drink but I decided I should go in. I sat down at the bar counter and looked around. "Fancy seeing you here" a familiar voice said "can I buy you a drink?" I turned my head to the voice and my eyes widened, I came face to face with Jonah. "What do you want, Jonah?" I said crossing my arms and looking away. "I was just wondering why you're here without curls, he's usually with you." I sigh and look down, he suspected something. "Did you guys break up?" He said after a silent moment. I shook my head "no, but I'm wondering if we should." Jonah frowned at me but I knew it was fake. "That's a shame." He traced the rim of his glass. "You have me, I'll always be here for ya." He looked back at me and smiled slightly. He did have a cute smile. "Yeah well I don't like you." Jonah smirked "are you sure?" "I have a feeling that you're flustered." I blush slightly and stand up "that's enough, I'm leaving." I head towards the door but Jonah grabs my wrist and pulls me close to his chest, "Can you stay just a little bit longer?" I gaze into his eyes, damn he had beautiful eyes. "N-no, I have places to be" I try to escape from his grasp but Jonah held me tightly. "You don't need Jack, what you need is right here in front of you." Jonah pursed his lips and leaned down. My eyes widened as his lips met mine. Almost immediately I push him away and smack him. "What is wrong with you?!" "I have a boyfriend that is a million times better than you!" I storm out of the bar and go back home. I had completely forgotten how mad I was at him but I didn't care, I wanted him to hold me. But when I got home, he wasn't there. I searched the house and found nothing, no letter or anything. I frown and sit on the couch with a huff.

"Where are you Jack?"

Yooo! Guys, thank you so much for 5k. I'm sorry I've been so inactive, but I'm finally off writers block and have more ideas. I hope everyone had an amazing Christmas and New Year. I know I did. Btw, "Big Plans" is so good. If you guys haven't listened I suggest you do so. There's a Jachary verse that just makes me melt. Any who, I hope you guys enjoy the next few chapters! I'm excited to share them with you! -Rocket

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