Part 1

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Just be aware that some of these translations will have English words since I'm having a hard time finding all the translations.

Hello = ava'yorn

Goodbye = veyet'toon

Hate = Dartak

Evil = Malsvir

Help = letoclo

Where are you? = svaklar re wux?

This means war! = nomeno means aryte!

How dare you insult me! = svanoa bevi wux insult ve!

Friend or foe? = thurirl usv wiot?

Shut up and take my money! = thric ner bir clax sia ulk'igh!

Who dares wake me from my sleep = svaust beviri rocen ve de sia vdri

Is this true = ui nomeno vis

Traitor = neban

Treason = itrif

Mind = ricin

God = ithquent

The great dragon lord = wer jennu darastrix ith

Black Diamond = vutha glibpox

General = inid

Shadow demon = sjach kothar

The fire and the Phoenix = wer ixen vur wer embara

Fool = hofiba

Attack = lowd

Fire at will = ixen sva geou

Vengeance is mine! = thirhe ui sini

What have you done = svabol tepoha wux authot

Stop fighting now = pok slathalinir jaka

Why are you doing this to us? = kii re wux tirir nomeno ekess udoka?

Where are you = svaklar re wux

Gods = ithquenti

God = ithquent

Goddess = ithquentiv

Goddesses = ithquentivi

Snake = vyklade

Snakes = vykladei

Horse = jivi

Horses = jiviri

Pig = goh

Cow = rhyvos

Cows = rhyvosi

Goat = fiik

Goats = Fiiki

Speak = renthisj

Speaks = renthisjic

Speaking = renthisjir

King = daar

Queen = daariv

Prince = wanotreyx

Princess = Wanotreyxkaiv

Give up = majak svern

Give in = majak persvek

Stop it = pok coi

Why are you here? = kii re wux tenpiswo?

What are you doing = svabol re wux tirir

Jinx = mabtrsarash

Let go of my tail = origato gethrisj di sia jaxo

This is war = nomeno ui aryte

We will stand to fight in the war for what is right! = yth geou stand ekess slathalin persvek wer aryte ihk svabol ui hart!

The strange world through dragons eyes = wer bvecko tawura erekess darastrixi saurivic

Outlaw = chojiqagro

We are not criminals = yth re ti pronleli

I want my family back = si tuor sia svihelen spical

Hero = seian

Village = shripomn

Home = okarthel

Lizard = tilsin

Darkness = whedabra

Red = charir

Yellow = yrev

Orange = mazdak

Green = achuak

Blue = ulhar

Purple = sililos

Grey = kifel

White = aussir

Blood = iejir

Are you hurt? = re wux ouith

More translations coming soon

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