Just be aware that some of these translations will have English words since I'm having a hard time finding all the translations.Hello = ava'yorn
Goodbye = veyet'toon
Hate = Dartak
Evil = Malsvir
Help = letoclo
Where are you? = svaklar re wux?
This means war! = nomeno means aryte!
How dare you insult me! = svanoa bevi wux insult ve!
Friend or foe? = thurirl usv wiot?
Shut up and take my money! = thric ner bir clax sia ulk'igh!
Who dares wake me from my sleep = svaust beviri rocen ve de sia vdri
Is this true = ui nomeno vis
Traitor = neban
Treason = itrif
Mind = ricin
God = ithquent
The great dragon lord = wer jennu darastrix ith
Black Diamond = vutha glibpox
General = inid
Shadow demon = sjach kothar
The fire and the Phoenix = wer ixen vur wer embara
Fool = hofiba
Attack = lowd
Fire at will = ixen sva geou
Vengeance is mine! = thirhe ui sini
What have you done = svabol tepoha wux authot
Stop fighting now = pok slathalinir jaka
Why are you doing this to us? = kii re wux tirir nomeno ekess udoka?
Where are you = svaklar re wux
Gods = ithquenti
God = ithquent
Goddess = ithquentiv
Goddesses = ithquentivi
Snake = vyklade
Snakes = vykladei
Horse = jivi
Horses = jiviri
Pig = goh
Cow = rhyvos
Cows = rhyvosi
Goat = fiik
Goats = Fiiki
Speak = renthisj
Speaks = renthisjic
Speaking = renthisjir
King = daar
Queen = daariv
Prince = wanotreyx
Princess = Wanotreyxkaiv
Give up = majak svern
Give in = majak persvek
Stop it = pok coi
Why are you here? = kii re wux tenpiswo?
What are you doing = svabol re wux tirir
Jinx = mabtrsarash
Let go of my tail = origato gethrisj di sia jaxo
This is war = nomeno ui aryte
We will stand to fight in the war for what is right! = yth geou stand ekess slathalin persvek wer aryte ihk svabol ui hart!
The strange world through dragons eyes = wer bvecko tawura erekess darastrixi saurivic
Outlaw = chojiqagro
We are not criminals = yth re ti pronleli
I want my family back = si tuor sia svihelen spical
Hero = seian
Village = shripomn
Home = okarthel
Lizard = tilsin
Darkness = whedabra
Red = charir
Yellow = yrev
Orange = mazdak
Green = achuak
Blue = ulhar
Purple = sililos
Grey = kifel
White = aussir
Blood = iejir
Are you hurt? = re wux ouith
More translations coming soon
[discontinued] How to speak in draconic
FantasyThis book little is where you learn how to speak in draconic which is also known as the dragon language. This book will also help you decode some hidden dialogue to some characters when they are speaking draconic. And it's will also reveal some char...