.-.The lost vessel.-.

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Plays after the DsaF 3 good ending.

Also,while writing this,I kinda notice that this is coming out not too good,so sorry about that--

This chapter is more for exploration of one of the ideas I have for what happens after DsaF 3.


When Jack woke up ,he couldn't see anything.No,not even the black void.
There was nothing.
No shapes.
No colour.
Neither lightness nor darkness.
It seemed like an vaccum.

But he himself--
Was he still there?
He tried to feel himself,but even as he tried to touch his arm ,there was nothing.Not even numb feeling.
Panic flooded through him.

Where was he?
Who was he?
What happened?

A fire.Yes,there was a fire.He can't remember the shapes,but he still remembers the colours vividly.
Red,orange and yellow danced infront of his vision.They engulfed him.
But he wasn't the only one,right?

He...he remembered other colours.Darker ones.

They where wierd and dirty.
But oh so familiar.They almost didn't make him feel lost.They made him feel warm.

Jack looked down at himself,at his hands.Maybe he didn't touch himself?Afterall he didn't look at himself when he did it.

But when looked down,he panicked ever more.He was fading.His once bright orange body completly pale,almost like he used to look before everything.
Maybe he wasn't fading away.Maybe he was returning back to his original state.Maybe this was his hap--

He was seethrough.This wasn't his happy ending.
His panic rose again.
He was fading.
But not only that.
The colours,his memorys are fading.

That can't happen.

It shouldn't happen--

He is scared.

Never in his time of existing has he been this scared before.
He stood up and started walking around.
He needed to leave.
He can't fade away.

He doesn't deserve this,right?
He was sorry for everything--

For what?
What happened?

The colours are leaving him and he looked back down on himself.
The body is halfway transparent now.
God,he felt lightheaded.
Jack became weaker and weaker.Stumbling a bit , he fell rather harsh onto the ground.He couldn't get back up because of an nausiating feeling in the back of his head.

The colours are fading together with him.
He wanted them back.

A long time he layed there,motionless,trying his best to stay conciouss,when he heard loud thumps behind him.Oh god--

He wasn't alone anymore!

He tried to turn around,but didn't manage to properly move a single muscle,so he just layed there in silence,waiting for it to notice him.
When the thumping got louder,he did actually manage to shiver and tried curling up the slightest bit.
He anticipated the touch of it now.
It didn't matter how it came.He just needed it.Any type of affection,to know,that he still exists.

But then he stopped.What if this..thing is here to get him?To finally erase him from existance.
He just couldn't--

Jack tried scooting away ,which only resulting in a sharp,stinging pain passing through him.His shivering strenghtened, eyes welling up with tears.They seemed blurry.
He doesn't want to leave. He does not remember why,he knows that he still needed to stay.

But how?It was still approaching him.

Is it even approaching him?

Or maybe...There isn't even anything.His mind might be playing tricks on him.Some sick fucking trick to give him hope for anything besides th--

When it grabbed onto his shoulder,Jack stopped his train of thoughts.
He wasn't hallucinating.He truly wasn't alone.

The creature sighed heavily,when the other shook strongly.
Humming sounded from the creature and the colour stopped fading from his mind.This voice... so familiar.

The creatures hand moved moved onto the others hand and stroked it,almost lovingly,in a calm pace.

It managed to severly calm down the orange guys heavily beating heart.
His pain lessened,if only slightly,and Jack averted his eyes onto the creature behind him.
His heart almost stopped when his burning white eyes looked into his own.

What was he doing here?
He was supposed to be with the others in afterlife--

The orange guys expression spoke of shock.
He opened his mouth and tried to speak,but only incoherent noises came from him.
The purple monster infront of him smiled at him almost softly.
He removed his hand from Jacks head and got in his knees ,scooting closer to him.
The green fur surrounding his  hand scraped against Jacks head.

"You really let yourself go,didn't you Old Sport?"


Whoops ,sorry!
As I said ,just an idea on what happened after dsaf 3 , not a full story!

I honestly thought about not ending it on a cliffhanger , but I didn't want to ruin it with a shitty ending oof--

And , to be quite honest , I just had this finished chapter sit in my drabbles for some time.
I just wasn't sure wether or not to release it.
But , well , here we go! I hope you had fun with!

P.s.:If you have any further ideas for new chapters , feel free to wright your thoughts into the commentsection for me to see.

859 Words

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