an intense feeling of deep affection.
"babies fill parents with feelings of love"
synonyms: deep affection, fondness, tenderness, warmth, intimacy, attachment, endearment; More
a great interest and pleasure in something.
"his love for football"
synonyms: liking, weakness, partiality, bent, leaning, proclivity, inclination, dispositionWe are forced
To believe in these definitions
of LOVETricked into believing
This tomfoolery
This name ascribed
To this feeling of attraction
Or the feeling of wanting,
Needing someone
Or somethingWhy is this feeling so ubiquitous
So admired by people
By media
Even old tales originate back to it
Back to the feeling,
The feeling two people felt together .... simultaneouslyHow do we really know?
Who named this emotion love
Who was the first person to feel this way
The first to be overcome with fondness
Was it with a person
Or with and objectWho decided to name a god after it
How did they know, how to feel it again
How did they know what true love was
What this deep affection meant
Cupid? Aphrodite? Venus?We will never know