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1st August 197012:45

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1st August 1970

Celeste, Chandler and Monica stood in the Kitchen listening to ABBA's greatest hits.

"Chandler look, if Janice were a guy, she'd be sleeping with somebody else by now," Celeste explained.

"No she wouldn't! Janice loves m.."

"Who's sleeping with who?" The Smile boys, who were now Queen boys burst through the apartment door.

"Thanks for knocking!" Shouted Celeste
"I don't Knock," he shouted back "you must know this by now darling."

"Good afternoon, Celeste, Chandler, Monica," Smiled Brian.

"Anyway, Celeste, Mary wants to know if you'd like to go shopping tomorrow,"

"I'd love to," she smiled

Brushing behind her to get to the fridge, Roger pulled out a beer, "Oh Cell when you go tomorrow will you pick me up some of those sweets you had the other night?"

"The Bon Bon's?"

"Yes, that's the one. Thanks love," he slide past her again, placing a hand on her lower back in response.

"The other night?" Asked Monica

"Yeah guys what happened the other night?" Questioned John.

Looking at each other, the two blondes were stuck on what to stay.

Flashback to 2 nights before

The flat was empty that night apart from Celeste and the range of food she bought hours before.

Flicking through the channels, she quickly found a comfortable spot on the sofa.

Knock knock.

Unlocking the door, Celeste was faced with the blonde drummer that she had grown to know quite well.

"Roger? Is everything okay? It's late!"

"I uh.." he muttered "wanted to see you"

"Well come in, you'll catch your death out there," she laughed.

"Bloody Hell Cell you've got yourself quite a lot of food ere," he laughed
"I'm having a me night but bows it's a you and me night,"

"Sorry, I didn't mean to intrude,"
"No it's okay, I was getting bored already anyways,"

Sitting on the sofa, Celeste offered him the blanket she was under.

"So what we watching?"
"Anything that's on really," she said "oh wait! We are going to watch Charlie's angels,"

"Why not," he laughed.

With the lights off, the pair sat together, Celeste leaning on Roger with a bag of sweets in her hand.

"Hmm these are nice," exclaimed Roger "what are they?"

"Strawberry Bon Bons," she spoke popping one in her mouth.

Turning around to glance at Roger she noticed the pink power in the corner of his mouth, "Rog," she laughed "you've got a bit of," tapping her lip to demonstrate.

"Get it for me then, love," he laughed

She brushed her finger around the corner of his mouth wiping it away.

It was like it was a movie, everything seemed to go in slow motion.
Roger stared at the blonde girl as she helped him, when she noticed this she blushed.

Leaning forward he pressed a soft kiss on her lips. This cause the Edwards girl to blush.

Pulling apart, he hands were now placed lightly on his chest as she kissed him again.

The pair were obviously surprised by their actions as they faced the television again, both secretly smiling.

End of the flashback

"Roger came round the other evening," he smiled "thought he'd left his drumsticks in my car."

The group seemed to believe her they continued their conversation but it didn't sit right with one of them.

Monica suspected that's not all that happened.

(If you'd already began this book earlier please go back and read again! I have rewritten this ) xox

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(If you'd already began this book earlier please go back and read again! I have rewritten this ) xox

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