The School

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As Natsu,Goku,Naruto and Luffy walked deeper in the forest they saw a bright light,it was as if the sun was right next to them they decided to keep walking forward into the light when they heard a noise.Naruto threw his kunai towards it but it was just a bird (a very frightened bird) as they kept on walking they saw a town,it wasn't very fancy but everyone agreed that they'll find food, possibly shelter and that's it but...

There was a huge building not in height but it was very long,they asked around and found out it was a school called Braintcroft."Hey guys do you think it'll be a good idea if we joined the school to blend in?" Asked Luffy."Wow that's a really good idea!" Responded Naruto.Everyone agreed and thought it was an amazing idea (especially for Luffy he's not the brightest) so they all camped out the night in the forest and had berries for dinner.The next morning,everyone wasn't to happy about school (well you can't blame them) but they all went anyways,the toughest part of joining a school for them was the lack of a parent.

Goku decided to step in as he was the oldest looking but he did it in different clothes and he was flying a little bit to look taller because then as his normal self he could go school,it was surprisingly smart seeing as it was Goku.(All of them aren't really the brightest)

They were in Year 6 and their class was called 6 Quartz,when they went in it was a bit surprising as there was 1 person who had GIANT teeth they found out later her name was Zaraish,there was also another person who had a HUGE forehead and her name was Zubaida,but finally they met Luke.

They all sat on the same rectangular table Natsu was about to say hi,when their teacher came in her name was Miss.Rosewell and in the 5 mins they were in that class they already knew that Miss.Rosewell hated Luke,he was always getting picked on and every time he even said one word while other people were shouting he got sent out not anyone else. 

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