The Breakout

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Colins POV
It was dark and I couldn't see. I was woken up by something I just couldn't figure out what... Suddenly I saw movement from the corner of the bars outside his cell. It could be a guard he thought. So I called out in a soft voice "H-hello?" Suddenly the figure moved closer, I heard clanking of metal and my cell door was now open. Yep it's definitely a guard he thought, I got up and again spoke "Hello" finally the figure stepped forward so he could see the person in the pale moonlight. It was a boy, he spoke "I'm your bitch." The boy proceeded to break the window and while he was doing so, I decided to pack my bag. I followed the boy outside the window and outside the asylum. I couldn't believe it.... After all this time I was free! I Finally thought I would ask the boy a nagging question "What is your name?" The boy responded "Jordan, what's yours?" I responded "Colin." Colin looked over the boy once more he wore a hoodie of various colours, trainers, and jeans. Nothing fancy but anything better than what he had on.. I proceeded to look at the temporary place they were settled it was a dark room no bigger than a small flat the only light was the small lantern Jordan had.  Colin soon fell asleep on the sleeping bag he had, thinking about how Jordan's brown hair softly falls on his face.....

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