Its ok!

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Colin woke up and suddenly noticed what he was feeling,Love. Was it Love though, or something like that? Colin had never felt love before so he wouldn't know.....He was suddenly anxious as he thought "What about Jordan?!" Jordan entered into the room and said "What about me?" Colin quickly covered his mouth and said "I didn't say anything!" Jordan looked at Colin and could tell he was lying, Jordan spoke again "Really 'Cause I heard you say 'What about Jordan?!'....?" Colin blushed furiously and said "Look Jordan I.....I-" Colin was cut off by a soft kiss. Colin was surprised at first, but eventually kissed back. Jordan pulled away and held Colins hand in his. Colin surprised again, blushed and said "B-b-but I-Is T-t-this-"Colin was cut off by another kiss and Jordan said "It's Ok!" Colin was the one to kiss Jordan. Colin cried tears of joy and Jordan laughed a soft laugh and said "Don't cry..." Colin continued to explain "Believe it or not I've been basically waiting for love my whole  life." Jordan looked back at his  life and realized that he too had been waiting for love. Jordan said "Well I guess love is  standing right in front of both of us...." Colin laughed and probably hugged the living out of Jordan. The rest of the day the two boys Kissed, Talked, Laughed, and Cuddled....

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