Esteemed guest

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Inspector Tarian: Oh, my calculations!  Can he be quiet? *Clicked his pen in an annoying fashion and went to the other parts of the store* I'll be back! *Went out of the door*

T: *Still at his cries*

A: *Patted his back* Tom? *Patted his back, harder this time* Tom?

T: *Continued crying and stuttered in a muffled tone* My TV... TV... Mine... Fired...

A: No, Tom, you cannot fire our esteemed inspector! We cannot afford to lose him!

T: My TV... Fired...

A: Tom! He is the only decent guy we can find!

T: *Muffled cries*

A: Tom!!! *Slapped his face*

T: Arughh! *Glanced around* Oh, oh... *Chucked the Tom-way*

A: Tom, we need him!

T: I said my television is on fire. And by the way, we can sell the house by ourselves! *Stood up*

A: We already did it! *Walked flustered toward him*

T: Eh, eh. You tried that, not me! I can do better!

As the adults were at their own discussion, which seemed rather loud, the Quads were in their own circle.

d: So, we now know that the store is going to be sold away.

D: The store gonna be sold! *Showed an astonished look on his face*

d: Yes, and we need to do something!

D: We need to do something!? *Showed an shocked look on his face*
The store, sold away...

d: Yes! We need to devise an extraordinary plan!

D: Extraordinary plan... Doing something... Store...

N: What the heck is wrong with you?

D: *Placed his palm over Nicky's mouth* Shhh, do not interrupt my thought process! Selling something in the store, extraordinary plan, doing soemthing!

R: You are just repeating everything that Dawn said! It is like you heard this for the first time!

D: Yes! For the first time! Extraordinary plan! This minute!

R: Then?

D: Doing something is this first today! *Proud*

R: So? *Annoyed*

D: This is my first time hearing someone selling something in a store this second!

R: No, Dicky! We are selling the store!

D: Yeah! Just what I thought! Selling goods at the store!

N: *Whispered in Dicky's ear* I think he meant that we are selling the store away!

D: Oh. Give me a moment. Ahhhhhhh! *Screamed*

R: Ignore him! Dawn, do you have a plan?

d: Nope.

R: *Nodded at Nicky and they both screamed*

d: I do not know where you got this traits from?

T: And that inspector destroyed beloved television!

A: So? *Arms akimbo*

T: So... *Muffled voice* Television... Beloved... Destroyed... *Whimpered*

A: *Shook Tom* Do not start!

T: Sorry, Anne! I cannot help it!   *Screamed like a girl*

A: *Looked at Dawn and shook her head*

NICKYRICKYDICKY&DAWN: EVERYDAYLIFEWhere stories live. Discover now