im sitting here listening to your beautiful voice, and i just dont know how im so lucky to have you. Youre just talking away and im not paying attention to the words im just hearing your voice it is so so wonderful to have you with me. You are my beautiful girl, and we will always have each other. I remember when the plague started we havent seen many survivors since that day. You and i might be the only ones left for all i know. The plague started that day in highschool when a teen came out of the gym, but he was different his eyes were glowing green like a ghosts light. He charged at another teen and dug his teeth into him, the screams still echo in my mind, and i bet they still echo in yours too. How lucky i am i got you out in time. You are my light in this scary, sad, and horrible darkness. You and i ran to my car with my emergency bag. I came running back into the school armed with my shotgun but i was too late it spread like wild fire, chaos everywhere barely anyone was alive, and if they werent dead then they were those monsters with the green glowing eyes. I ran back to the car and drove away as fast as i could. You just stared at me scared out of your mind. So i did my best to comfort you. Everywhere around us the monsters swarmed. When there wasnt monsters there were dead bodies, and It scared me. That's the day the darkness came.
in this darkness you are my light.
Adventuretwo teenagers fight for there survival, they must escapet the monsters, but they still have time to love eachother