Chapter one: The Ultimate sleepover

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"Come on, Emma! We are going to be late for the ultimate sleepover!" Ellie yelled at Emma, who was getting her backpack out of her locker. Typical Ellie. She was always early, by at least ten minutes.

"Sheesh El, knock it off, can you be there on time for once?" Emma told her.

"Don't you want to be early for this though?" Ellie asked with an impatient tone in her voice. It was true. Emma wanted to be really early for this. The ultimate sleepover only happened once every other month, and all of her friend group attended. All ten of them. Their whole friend group got hyped for it, and it always turned out a success, so they kept on doing it.

"Okay, yes. I haven't seen Via or Ava since the last U.S., I miss them so much!" Emma broke in. They barely see each other because there were so many of them. They were pretty much split into two groups of five, and some of them had a hard time making other friends, like Ana. She came off as, what's the word, menacing to other people. She barely talked and no one really knew how much she was capable of, but from the way she came across people thought she was capable of a lot, and that was true. She was mysterious. The group of five that Emma was in, consisted of Lila, Rey, Sasha, Ellie, and of course herself.

"Then come on!" Ellie said, dashing off to the front doors of the school. The two seperate groups of five always carpooled to Lily's house. Lily was almost the leader of the group. But she was a good leader.

Emma grabbed her small solid teal suitcase out of her locker and closed it. She chased after Ellie, who was running out of the crowded door to her mom's tan minivan. Emma and Ellie were the last two girls in the van, the rest of the girls were already inside.

"We are all set girls, to Lily's house we go!" Ellie's mom said once Emma and Ellie closed the doors. The reply was a bunch of happy cheers, from all of the girls, from Lila to Emma.

"I heard the movie tonight was going to be Spiderman. I hope so!" Sasha, a short girl with light brown hair and green eyes said. That was kind of a rule for the group, action movies. They all LOVED action movies. Especially superhero movies. But that always comes with problems, there is always a Marvel vs. DC debate, but most of them like both, just more leaning one way or another.

"No, I thought we were watching Infinity war!" Ellie said to Sasha. Ellie leaned from the back row to the middle row to address her. Ellie's brown-red ponytail got in her face and Ellie whipped her ponytail to the other side to her head.

"Again?" Lila quietly said from the front seat. She had long brown hair, that she always tied up in a pretty half bun.

"Exactly. Let's watch something we don't normally watch, like The Princess Bride!" There goes Rey again, making the logical choice. She was the only other blonde in the car, other than Emma herself. Unlike Emma's long hair that went down to her back, Rey's hair didn't quite reach down to her shoulders.

"Why don't we do that?" Ellie suggested.

"But what if Lily has a movie already chosen?" Sasha asked.

"Then we watch that movie." Rey said. The rest of the drive were their own conversations about middle school and how they can't wait until they get to Lily's house, and the minivan was loud.

But as soon as they rounded the corner to Lily's street, the sounds of excitement raged throughout the car, and once they pulled into the driveway of Lily's medium sized blue house. They all screamed of excitement as Lily ran outside to greet them Lily had Light brown hair, but not as light as Sasha's. Following Lily was Via, with her Light blonde hair tied up in a tight bun, Ava, with her long black hair flowing behind her, which was freshly dyed sky blue at the bottom, Ria, walking towards them with her dirty-blonde hair behind her, and Ana, who was already over to them, mysteriously. Ana's Red ponytail draped down to her back. Lily tackled Ellie and Emma at the same time, who fell on top of Rey and Sasha, who yanked down Lila. Ana fell on top of them as dragged down by Lila, and Ava, Via and Ria hopped on top of all of them. They were all screaming of excitement, as they were so happy to see each other.

"I'm so happy you all could come!" Lily said, actually, screamed.

"Eeeeeeee!" Lila screamed as she smiled the biggest smile. They slowly stood up one by one and smiled as they collected their things.

"I can't believe it. I haven't seen you guys in forever!" Ava said joyously. She fixed her hair that went past her waist.

"And I can't believe that you dyed your hair!" Ellie said, picking up a lock of her hair to look at it.

"Yeah, I couldn't believe my mom let me!" Ava agreed. Ellie dropped Ava's hair.

"Come inside already! You can drop off your stuff in my room, we are going to be staying in the sun room." Lily offered. They all nodded and agreed as they started to walk into her house with suitcases and backpacks. Lily ran up to the door and held it open for the girls. First Ana, then Lila, Rey, Sasha, Ellie, Emma, Ava, Via, and finally Ria.

"Thanks Lil." Ria said as she walked in. Lily crept in behind them and shut the door.

"WHOA. How long did it take you to do all this, Lil?" Ava asked with wide eyes, looking all over the room. You could see straight into the sun room where they would be staying. On the left of them was a few couches n carpet and a TV in front of them, on the other side it opened up to the kitchen, which had an island. Hanging from the ceiling was a banner that they made the last Ultimate sleepover, that read: WELCOME TO ANOTHER U.S.! The island it the kitchen was filled with food, ice cream, cake, chips, and some pizza.

"Feel free to dig in!" Lily said.

Thanks for reading my original story! More episodes are coming soon. :)

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