29. "Well, What Do You Want To Do?"

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Hetty had given them all the day off after a particularly tough case.

Kensi and Deeks were currently just trying to find a good way to spend it.

They woke up that morning at around 9:30, wrapped in each other's arms.

They kissed softly.

Kensi loved the fact that she woke up in his arms every morning.

Deeks loved the fact that maybe one day soon, they could wake up late and then spend lazy days with little mutant ninja assassins.

"So what do you want to do today, Kens?" Deeks asked, wrapping his strong arms tighter around Kensi.

"Mmm I dunno yet. Lemme think while we cuddle," Kensi replied, snuggling further into Deeks's embrace.


Almost two hours had passed, and Kensi still hadn't answered his question.

"Well, what do you want to do?" Deeks pushed.

"Let's be silly together," Kensi said.

"Sounds good to me."

So they got up and headed out to the living room, but not before Kensi jumped on Deeks's back playfully, signaling she wanted a piggyback ride.

They turned their living room into a makeshift dancefloor.

They danced for awhile and then took goofy pictures.

All around, they had a fun day off.

A/N: sorry it's so short, I kinda lost everything I had planned to write. It just kinda flew out the window. And also, sorry it's not the best, again, it all just flew out the window lol. But anyway, hopefully next chapter is better and longer (hopefully) and I'll try to update soon. Happy reads :)

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 18, 2019 ⏰

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