Hurt again

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"Goldy you are so dumb,you think I want to be friends with you EWW NEVER YOUR ICKY,GROSS,DUMB,AND NOT IMPORTANT HAHAHA"She said evilly."See Tina this is why Ryan doesn't like you YOU HAVE HURT TO MANY PEOPLE!"I said and magically transformed.I transformed into a water princess I don't know how I did it."I AM IMPORTANT I AM NOT ICKY ,GROSS,OR DUMB.NO ONE DESERVES TO BE TREATED THIS WAY, YOU WILL NOT HURT ANYONE ELSE!"I said."You are not the only one that can transform!"she said and then transformed into a fire princess.(get it fire and water are opposite).Goldy started to shoot at Tina and Ryan happened to come around the corner.
"Goldyyyy"I yelled.I have been looking ever sense the fight between her and Unicorn.He must be jealous to yell at Goldy,he NEVER yells at Goldy.As I walked around the corner I saw Goldy and Tina in their princess forms.I transformed into a water prince and I don't know how!"What is going on?"Tina obviously being fake started to cry and she said."Ryan she is bullying me and saying that she is better!"I knew that Tina was lying."Tina this is why we can't be friends you lie and bully!""You know what I can't speak to you anymore!"I said turning my head away from her.I helped Goldy and we transformed back to our normal selfs and walked away,down the hall I hear"Ryan wait!Please..."I knew this was not the real Tina.

Love is what I see goldy x RyanWhere stories live. Discover now