Part ten: We fight together

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-Your POV-

"Wendy take care of the exceeds and stay here. If anyone comes here then run. Don't wast your energy." She nods and the rest of us jump off the roof and start running through the town.

"So what exactly is the plan?" I hear sting say while running behind me.


"You don't have a plan?!" He yells.

"I'm thinking of one!" I yell back at him.

A big explosion is made in front of us making us stop in our tracks.

"Hello there Y/N." A raspy voice is heard.

"Gorma...." I growl.

"Oh how much I missed you my dear sister." A female figure comes out of the darkness.

"You are not. My sister." I glare at her.

"Are these your little boyfriends?" She points to the boys.

"Don't bring them into this." I snap at her.

"Oh come on little sis. Don't be like that-" Natsu cut her off with a punch in the face.

"QUIT TALKING!!" She was thrown into a wall.

"Your a little cutie aren't you? I might take you. She has the other two." She smirked and threw him into a wall, trapping him there with her own magic.

"Moulding magic." She creepily laughed at my realisation.

"Yup. You guys will have no chance against me with your weak magic." She walks towards us.

"What is moulding magic Y/N?" Rogue whispers to me.

"It's when the caster can mould anything into whatever they want. Including magic. With that she's basically invincible." I reply and she smirks.

"Then how are we gonna beat her?!" Sting yells.

"You're not." She chuckles evilly.

"Oh really?!" I go to attack her but she dodged easily.

"Sting! Rogue! Go help the others!" They nod and run off.

"Sending your little boyfriends off huh?" She smirks at me.

"Let. Natsu. Go." I growl at her.

"Hm. No thanks."

I growl.

"Are your dragon instincts kicking in?" She slowly walks over to me.

"Are they finally showing their true colours? Are the TRUE instincts of an elemental dragon showing through your skin?" She stands in front of me.

I growl even louder.

"You know. The elemental dragon is the most aggressive of all dragons. Their anger levels can surpass their sanity causing them to become out of control." She narrows her eyes at me, still smirking. I glare at her.

"So I'm planning on getting you to that point." She pokes my nose and I kick her in the gut, sending her flying into one of the buildings.

"Natsu don't worry I'm gonna get you out of there." I run over to him.

"Y/N look out!" Gorma jumps into the air and goes to swing her sword.

I block it with a shield.

"Give it up sis. You're never gonna beat me. You're magic won't work." She yells.

"Oh yeah.? Then let's do it the old fashion way." I punch her in the face and kick her legs, making her fall over.

"You little-"

Don't Let Go - Book 1- (Natsu x reader) - COMPLETED ✅Where stories live. Discover now