Part fifteen: Dragon

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-Natsu's POV-

"ACNOLOGIA!!!" I went to attack him but Erza holds me back.

"YOU KILLED HER!!!" I shouted.

"YOU MADE JAKO KILL HER!!! SHE'S GONE!!!! BECAUSE OF YOU!" Tears start to fall down my face.

"Ya know it's a shame Jako killed her. I really wanted to myself but...looks like the deed has been done, and although it would certainly entertain me, I will not be fighting you today, he will." He says pointing up at the dragon.

"Farewell fairy's. have fun." He smirks as he disappears into thin air.

"That asshole is gonna pay!!" Gajeel yells as he attacks the dragon. We all start to attack the dragon but it does nothing. Not even a scratch.

"What the hell is this thing??!!" Sting yells.

"I don't know but it's pissing me off!!" I hear Gajeel yell. Suddenly it roars at us, magic spitting out of its mouth and heading straight towards us.

"Is that acid?!" I yell.

"It has to be." Erza says, completely out of breath. Everyone was tired and worn out, we kept receiving hits from the dragon but were able to dodge the major ones. Even gramps joined but was only hit away. The dragon wasn't Acnologia but it sure was powerful.

After about 5 minutes of being knocked around, everyone was so tired and were laying down, completely drained.

"No..." They all look at me as I struggle to stand.

" gonna go down....." I hold my right arm, my hair hangs over my face.

"I won't....let us this..." I regain my balance.

"Think of Y/N.... do you think she would want us to give up..? she wouldn't... she would tell us to get off our asses and show this thing why we are the number one guild in Fiore....she would want us to show this monster what we're made of....she would cheer us on even if she was injured herself..she never gave up and she never stopped trying.....she went through hell before she met us....her life was shit and now....she's gone....but...I know....that she would want us to live out her name proudly...and wear this emblem with pride..if she was here now she would lift herself up and keep why..? Why are we gonna give up now...?" All of their eyes soften at the mention of Y/N.

"So stand and fight....not only for the people who are depending on us to defeat this thing...not only for Magnolia and the rest of the world...but for Y/N..." I raise my head and look at everyone.

"I'm with you on that one Natsu...let's do this...." Sting stands up too and I look at him and nod.

"Alright then....Looks like we gotta keep fighting....even if it's the last thing we do..." Erza stands and everyone follows.

"LET'S FINISH THIS!!!" Erza raises her sword and everyone cheers.

"I'm all fired up now.." I look at the others and smile.

We all attack the dragon with all we got and it gets blown back into the mountain. We continue to attack it. Soon it's roaring in pain and then it disappears.

"What happened? It was just here a minute ago?" Gray asks.

Suddenly a voice can be heard and a lacrima floats down from the sky.

"You've done well fairytail. But don't think this is the end. just the beginning." Acnologia's voice can be here's from the lacrima before it floats back up into the sky.

"We did it...." Wendy says, exhausted.

"We did." Laxus pats her head.

"ALRIGHT!!!!" I jump into the air with joy. My guild mates and Sabertooth all laugh along with me and I finally feel happiness even though Y/N is gone.

"Well I'm glad we got our Natsu back." Levy laughs and others join her. I smile brightly at everyone.

"Come on Happy. Let's go home." I help him stand up.

"Aye sir!!"

-At home-

When we walk into the doors we see a small picture of Y/N sitting on the bed. I go over and pick it up, Happy's eyes start to water.

"She's gone.... she's really gone.." He started to cry and I hug him tightly.

"It's okay.... she's in a better place now..." I pat his back gently.

"Come on bud. Let's go to sleep." He slightly nods and we both lay down and drift off to sleep.

-The next day at the guild-

"Hey guys-" I was cut off my Gray bumping into me.

"Hey! Watch it Elsa!" I shout in his face, we clash heads.

"What did you just call me?! FLAME BRAIN!"







"BLOCK HEAD-!" We're both cut off by someone stepping into the guild.

"Can you boys please shut up?" That voice....

We all turn around to see Y/N standing at the entrance of the guild. She had bandages wrapped around her neck, arms, one of her eyes, her leg and around her stomach.

"What? You guys miss me?" All of our eyes start to water and Wendy jumps into her arms.

"Y/N!!!!" She cries into her chest and everyone else joins in on the hug except me. Everyone was crying tears of joy. Soon they all pulled away and backed away, my eyes met with hers.

"No hug?" She smiles brightly. I run over to her and pick her up, hugging her tightly as she wraps her legs around my waist.

"Don't do that ever again..." I whisper into her ear through sobs.

"I won' dragon...." she puts one of her hands in my hair and the other wraps around my neck, pulling me closer

"You guys are so cute." We hear Mira and Lucy say at the same time.

"SHUT UP!!" We yell at both of them, still holding each other. Everyone laughs and I hold her closer than ever, smiling.

"I thought I lost you...." She pulls away and kisses my cheek.

"You...will never....lose me..." She kisses me and I kiss back. We here cheers erupt from the crowd surrounding us and claps. We pull each other away and I put her down carefully.

"I love you..."

"I love you too Dragneel.."

-The End-

So that's the end I guess, I hope you liked this book and let me know if you want me to make a book 2. Love you all and see you next time!! 💗

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