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Nancy eyed the blond intruder up and down. She could tell he was not much older than herself and the satchel over his shoulder indicated that he was a college student.

Said guy seemed to be equally scrutinising Nancy. He flushed a bit when Nancy fixed her gaze directly onto his blue eyes.

He hurriedly turned towards Dabin and shifted nervously. He had asked the two seated beauties if he could join them. He didn't get any reply and Lee Dabin looked at him like she was seeing him for the first time.

For her part, Lee Dabin didn't forget him. It's not every day that you have a conversation with a blond person with blue eyes. So, of course, she remembered exactly that she had met this guy a month ago at this same restaurant and that they had talked a good while as well. She remembered talking to him about how some foreign people didn't enjoy Kimchi like the locals do and some other topics. But, she couldn't for the life of her, remember the name of this person. 

His name starts with a "V". I know this. She thought.

"Uh, you must have forgotten." The guy spoke. "we met at this restaurant one month and 7 days ago, to be exact," 

Nancy grimaced at that. 

One month and 7 days? who the creepy fuck keeps track of the number of days like that?

"Oh, yeah, I remember you. Please have a seat" Dabin said, gesturing to the seat next to Nancy.

"Um" the guy started, looking at Nancy, whose gaze hadn't left him since he made his presence, "You look different. Are you like me? Did you come from somewhere? " the guy asked, his attempt at asking 'are you not a Korean' sounding a bit weird as he wasn't all too fluent in Korean.

"No. I am nothing like you" Nancy replied almost instantly with naked annoyance.

The guy was a little taken aback. He licked his lips nervously before turning towards Lee Dabin.

"Don't take it personally, she is rude like this with everyone" Dabin said, reassuring the guy.

Nancy snapped her eyes at Dabin who ignored the heated glare as she pick Ed up another chicken by the tin foil wrapped at the end of the bone, a small smile gracing her lips. "So, I think you're getting a little better in Korean"

"Well, I guess I have gotten a bit better" the guy responded. "I will be fluent really fast if only I could have a friend like you to talk to everyday"

"Wait" Nancy butted in. "You attend a college here, yes?"

"Yes. The Yamaha University" the guy responded.

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