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"And then I hear my daughter calling my name," Ajumma said as she wiped her mouth with a cloth. "I was about to climb down the bed when I suddenly coughed and all my teeth fell out"

Nancy giggled, "I think that kind of dream is quite common" Nancy commented as she drank her soup from the bowl

A thoughtful ajuma had brought NAncy's breakfast right where Nancy was sleeping and the two were having a peaceful breakfast on the bed.
As for Dabin, she had chosen to sit at the dining table alone.

Dabin could be heard calling from outside. They both stopped eating and looked towards the door.

Dabin stood arms crossed, hidden from the two's line of view, outside the door. She couldn't walk in. Not after she had been in such an embarrassing situation just a while ago."Can you get me my phone? I left it on the bed"

Said phone lay a few inches away from one of the pillows and before ajumma could reach for it, Nancy slid the phone under the pillow, a playful smile stretching her lips.

Ajumma also decided to play along. "I don't see your phone anywhere"

"Just... Can you look around for a bit?" came the plea from outside.

"Yeonu ya, I am eating. Why don't you just come in?"

A sigh was heard right before Dabin stepped inside the room.

"So," ajumma continued recounting her dream from last night "I picked up all of my teeth and tried to put them back in front of a mirror that floated in the air by itself."

Dabin tried her hardest to avoid eye contact with Nancy as she checked for her phone under the blanket.

"That's when I woke up. It was such a strange dream." ajumma concluded.

Yeonwoo lifted her pillow and discovered her phone under it.

"Speaking of dreams," Nancy said, eying a certain nervous senior "I bet Dabin had a very nice one"

Dabin stopped for a moment to look up at Nancy at the sudden mention of her name.
"Especially when she was just about to wake up. Right, Dabin?"

"i-I did not!" Dabin defensively muttered, her face helplessly erupting a mild shade of red from the combination of both anger and embarrassment and she hurriedly strode out of the room holding onto whatever dignity that was left in her.

"Am I missing something?" ajumma asked looking at Nancy.

"N-Nothing" Nancy mumbled, concentrating on her fork as it poked on the scrambled eggs on her plate, turning a little pink in the face herself.

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