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  As a survivor of a massive sea storm, you seek safety inside of a mysterious 19th century lighthouse off the coast of Cornwall. Describe the fascinating (or frightening) discoveries that await inside. 

The waves crashed against the rocks in a haunting lullaby portending the fate of the seafarers on the HMS Plymouth. The storm pounded the deck and callously pushed the ship to and fro as it fancied. It was insignificant against the massive power generated by the Atlantic. Once the pride of a nation, subject to opulent celebrations it was to become a weathered grave, entombing the sailors below its well adorned deck. They all clambered past one another in disarray, with bodies falling to the floor and being stepped upon without a second thought. Water rapidly filled the compartments, and intensified their fears. Those above deck desperately pulled the braces to adjust the sails. But in the chaos they couldn't decide how to turn the mast. The captain was one of the first sailors to be launched overboard by massive rogue waves. Soon after was the first mate amongst several other sailors. A rapid succession of waves smashed into the starboard and shredded the foremast to pieces. Attempts to turn the ship were futile as the ship accumulated water and continued to sink. One final rogue pounded the deck and capsized the ship, sending all sailors sliding off the boat and into the foreboding depths, murky and dark the cold seeped into their adrenaline filled bones and pulled them under. All fought individual fights but their opponent was the same. Those trapped below deck strained against the hatch with millions of tons of water forcing it shut, they pounded and teared up as they struggled for breath as they desperately came to the startling realization that their death was upon them. Though they fought until the last sailor had taken his final breath. Doomed to forever sail the seven seas in a frigid and lightless graves. The lucky sailors that had been above board had already capitulated to the master of the sea. Others paddled in vain to survive the relentless torrent and unforgiving crags carved by the sea. Finally all had succumbed excepting the ship's third mate. The sea delivered her from its suffocating embrace and into the hands of a more perilous foe. 

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