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ariana absolutely slayed this new bop, she made 'my favourite things' shine in a whole different light and i'm absolutely loving it.

yOu LiKe My HaIr? GeE tHaNkS, JuSt BoUgHt iT ~

AND chapter 50 everyone. we earned our half-century

To Taehyung's surprise, his boyfriend who he had supposed wouldn't be the most welcoming person towards his old friends, had found himself mingling rather well with the seven males. Not only did he halt the use of chilling glares every time one of them would dare to speak to the blond in the span of only a week, but Jeongguk was also beginning to spend more time with them than he did with his own partner.

At first, the blond hasn't minded too much, the exhilaration of seeing his friends yet to wear off as he vouched to enjoy every second of his stay before he was whisked back to the mansion. But now, a fortnight into their visit and Taehyung wasn't having it.

Not only did the elder awaken at ridiculous hours at the break of dawn - he may have exaggerated a bit there - to trudge down the stairs to where the group of boy's had decided to camp at, to do God knows what with them, leaving a rather huffy and moody Taehyung without his regular morning cuddles and smooches.

It was now early afternoon, a few hours past noon and everyone had gathered around in the living area to dine on the takeout pizza and garlic bread that Haechan had been generous enough to cash out for.

The television, despite having been on, is paid no attention to as the animated figures of blue-pigmented creatures that were shockingly alike to a human pranced across the screen.

"Fuck, "Renjun groans, cheeks bulging as his eyelids flutter closed, "it's so good."

Jisung, who sits beside him on the couch, crinkles his nose in disgust at the elder's appalling manners before promptly turning his nose and sipping carefully at his cup of soda.

Chenle, Jaemin and Jeongguk sit far from the others, seated on the deserted dining table that holds the empty takeouts boxes and soda bottles, conversing heatedly with one another and occasionally glancing up to survey the room.


The said boy is snapped from his trance which had compromised of glaring irately at the trio, plastic cup squeezed horrifically within his palm.

"Yeah?" he stammers, blinking as he turns to face his friend.

Jeno peers him at his strangely, lips curled in a worried frown, "You good?"

"Yeah, of course."

"Are you sure? I called you like five times and you didn't hear me, what's wrong?"

Sighing, the blond casts a heavy, swift gaze to the three males before plastering a bogus smile to his lips as he giggles, "S'nothing! I'm fine, stop worrying mum."

Pursing his lips, the dark-haired male follows the boy's gaze, a knowing smirk tugging at his lips as the cogs in his mind turn, "Ohh, I get it, your jealous."

"No!"Taehyung squeaks, the flush of his cheeks giving all away, "No way, what the fudge!"

Snorting, the boy tilts his head in a reprimanding shake, sighing heavily, "Oh God, don't be like that, it's pretty obvious kudos to how you keep glaring at them every five seconds."

"Am not!"

"Sure," Jeno drawls, seemingly enjoying himself as he speculates the blond's despair, "keep telling yourself that. Now, I'm guessing you're jealous because he's been getting a bit soft with them lately?"

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