R y l y n 🐝🙊~ the in between

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Rye rushed down the hall, his breath coming in rapid gasps, was this what panic felt like? Rye had always been one to hold himself together and go into battle with a strong head. This time was different, this time it was a different battle. 

"wh-where is he, where's Brook?!" he shouted breathlessly at the shrinking vampire in front of him. 

"H-he went through a portal, I don't know where he went. he s-said you'd know where to find him" the guy shrugged. 

"Damnit!" Rye slammed his hand into the wall. His fangs pushed out of his gums in anger and he thought back.

"Catch me if you can" he laughed, his legs carrying him away from me.

"Oh I certainly can " I growled chasing after him. My abnormal speed came in handy as I caught him in my arms.

He squealed in happiness and I summoned a portal, he gasped, the bright light coming from the portal washing over his angelic features.

Brook was part warlock, part angel. He, along with me, were forbidden breeds. Myself being a mix if a Vampire and a witch.

Being one of the mightiest in London, I was supposed to teach Brook to channel his magic. His mother, the angel, had kept his secret of being a warlock from for years until he figured it out.

Instead of only teaching him, I fell in love with him as well.

"What's that?" he asked in childish curiosity.

"It's called a portal, it takes us from one place to the other, like teleportation" I explained my lips brushing his neck. He squirmed and reached a hand out.

I grabbed his outstretched hand and stepped forward.

"I wanna show you something" I said tugging him closer. "Right through here" I tightened my hold on his hand and stepped through the portal quickly.

I stumbled out onto the other side, his small body fell into mine. I pulled him up and stood straight, my eyes straying from him to take a look around.

"What is this place?" He asked breathlessly.

"It's called the 'in between' only few can access it. Only those with double blood. it's where we lived before we joined the other world. Here, we can see our true forms" My eyes wandered to the small pure white wings fluttering on his back.

I reached forward and my hand brushed over the silky feathers, a small smile playing on my lips. His wings seemed to shiver under my touch and I laughed, retracting my hand,

"That felt good, do it again" he sighed, a small smile in place. I graze my fingertips over the pale appendages again and they flutter slightly, taking him a few inches off the ground before he is back on his feet.

"You're too cute" I murmur, pulling him close to me, his smile widens and he looks into my eyes.

"You think?"

"Mmm" I hum and place my lips on his in a soft kiss. His hands automatically wrap around my neck and he pulls me closer.

I smile into our breif kiss and pull away.

"I told you not to let him through the portal or to form any type of magic!" Rye hissed.  Rye had taught the young hybrid too well.

The vampire in front of him shook as Rye's eyes went from brown to liquid gold. The vampires eyes watched the hybrid as he burst into flames.

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