C.C 9

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Shinso's POV
While waiting for Chess in the roof, I was playing with a random cat that jumped out of a bush and took it with me up here. It's fur was all black and it's eyes were a purplish black colour which made him look pretty. Yes, the cat's a he.

"Don't you have an owner neko-san?" I asked and it just meowed while rubbing itself on my side making me sigh.

I sat myself up and grabbed my bento and opened it then out of nowhere Chess appeared with someone else.

"Sorry we're late Hito-chan!"


"Hito-chan? It sounds like someone else's name." I said and he grinned.

"Datte~ It really suits you dakara~~" He said as he sat beside me and so did the other.

"Oh yeah! This is Todoroki Shouto~ But I call him Todo-chan. And Todo-chan this is Hitoshi Shinso!"


"Domo." He said with a slight bow and I nodded curtly.

"So? Why the sudden add-in?" Chess just grinned.

"Because I needed someone to cool down my ramen! Not that I'm even eating one at the moment since they ran out the moment I got there." He said scratching the back of his head nervously.

Me and Todoroki sweat dropped at him and sighed.

"He dragged you?" I asked and he nodded.

"Well, doesn't matter."

"Meow~~" All three of us looked down at the cat rubbing himself on Chess' legs making his ears and tail appear.

"Ah! Kio-san!! What are you doing out here?!" He asked as he took the cat that mewled then licked his nose.

"Eh? Is that so? Does Eraser-san know?" The cat suddenly scratched him making him hiss as the cat landed gracefully on the ground and looked away from him.

"Ita! You didn't have do that Kio-san. I wasn't planning on telling." The cat opened one eye to look at him and meowed.

"...Are you talking to the cat?" He nodded as he took the cat and placed him in between his crossed legs as Todoroki sat with us and pulled out his bento.

"We should eat. Classes start soon."

"Yeah." Chess nodded as he opened his bento and a line of different kind of sushi was there.

"Hai Kio-san." He said as he held the sushi on his chopstick and fed the cat.

"How do you know the cat? I thought he was stray." I asked and he chuckles as he bit his sushi.

"Aizawa-sensei owns the cat." He said and the cat meowed.

"He does?" Todoroki asked and Chess nodded.

"Yep!" He said popping the 'p'.

Chess' POV
After finishing my sushi I stood up to stretch and yawned catching the two's attention, even Kio-san's ears perked up at me yawning.

"I wanna sleep." I said as I sat back down and they sweatdropped at me.

"Well...I can wake you up when it's almost time if you want." Todo-chan offered and I smiled nodding.

"I'll take up on the offer then!! Excuuuuse me~" I said as I laid my head on his lap comfortably.


"Oi." I ignored the two as I began to doze off with a comfortable pillow. I chuckled a bit as I snuggled into the warmth.

Todoroki's POV
I just stared at Chess as he slept on my lap and sighed and continued to eat my lunch along with Shinso who was playing with the cat.

"So. What kind of person is Chess? In your point of view." He started and I hummed.

"Well, he's quite the mysterious person but can be confusing. He usually flirts and makes fun of people. And just between you and me, Chess doesn't seem to be being himself at all." He hummed and nodded.

"I can agree with that. He's just so..so random. Not the bad kind."

"I understand. So..."

"So..." The silence began to become awkward and we both continued to eat our lunch while Chess would usually purr in his sleep and his tail being played with the cat.

"How did you meet Chess?" I asked while eating.

"Entrance exam's. He saved me from a faux villain when my leg was stuck under some rubble."

"Did you see his quirk?"

"Well... There was a moment I did but it happened to quickly."

"Really?" He nodded.

"I was even shocked how he got to me so fast. And he took out the zero pointer with just a slash."

"Slash? Was it in the form of a cat's claws?"

"What? No. It was like some monsters claws or maybe nails that crushed the robots head of the zero pointer then it began floating and dismembered into bits before it exploded." He explained and I nodded humming as I finished my lunch and placed it beside me.

"I'm actually curious on what his quirk is because what I saw that happened in yesterdays training didn't help me put anything together as a clue." He hummed.

"Well he can travel through shadows."

"Eh?" He nodded and continued to explain while I started petting Chess.

"Yesterday during lunch. I found him sleeping on a tree and he offered to take me to class and we both travelled in the shadows to get to my class."

"Shadow travelling. Shadow hand. Cat's paw. Levitation. None of them make sense on what his quirk is." I said and he blinked.

"Maybe it's got something to do with shadows? Because of the travelling and hand?" I shrugged and he went into a thinking position while the cat lay on his lap.

"Ah. I just remembered somthing." I looked at him for explaination.

"Before the hand crushed the zero pointer. He said a name then the hand appeared." I rose an eyebrow.

"A name?"

"Yeah. I think it was Ku...Kuji...Kuro...Kuri....Kura...ah. Kurai." He said and the cat on his lap stood up and walked over to me and I pet it's head.


"Mhm. After that the hand appeared and a voice that seemed a bit deeper than Chess's voice." I hummed and the bell then rang making Chess spring up and cover his ears.

"Ugh...Mou! Why does the bell have to be so loud?! My ears hurt!" He whined and the cat hopped on his shoulder.

"Hm? Ah. We should get going now before sensei get's mad." He said and Shinso and I nodded as we stood up and made our way back to the cafeteria to throw our trashes and walk back to school.

Chess insisted that we walk Shinso and I didn't mind as we did and we arrived in class a bit late.

"You're late. Where were you?" Aizawa sensei asked and I turned to Chess.

"Gome sensei~ We walked a friend to class and we were in the rooftop during lunch so yeah~" He said scratching the back of his neck.

"Take your seats." We both nodded and head to our seat but Chess stopped and walked over to sensei.

"Sensei. Look who I found." He said and pulled the cat from his shoulder and to sensei.

Sensei stared at the cat as it meowed at him before he glared and clicked his tongue and took it.

"Thanks Grin. You guys better behave while I go take care of something." He said glaring at the cat that seemed to have sweat dropped as he and the cat left the classroom.

"...Was that sensei's pet?" Someone asked and Chess chuckled as he took his seat.

"I guess you could say that~"

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