Excerpt from upcoming story (?)

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"So you're the Hero that I have heard about, huh?" Despond peered at the human girl before him. "I have always held a special type of respect and curiosity for your kind, but never would I thought that humans would turn out to be the ones that kill me," Despond chuckled to himself, amused by how bizarre the situation is. 

"Demon," the girl said in hatred. "your kind has slaughtered more humans than we could ever count. By killing you, this bloodshed will be no more than history." Brandishing her sword, the girl stood in battle form as how Athena has taught her. 

Despond shook his head solemnly. "I know how you feel, but things are not that simple." He looked at the Hero directly in the eye, "though, if we were to fight, I would not lose to anyone. Let's give it our all."

The earth trembled at the demon's might, the skies turned ashen as if the clouds have been scorched by the flames from the very depths of Hell. His legs now resemble not that of a humans, but cloven hooves.

"Shed your skin." The demon said as his skin turns into ashen grey and cracked with fire boiling underneath. 

"Shed your soul." Horns grow. Wings sprout. Jaws slack. Fangs pierce. 

"Shed whatever golden morsel remained in you." Infernal fire followed each step. scorching the mud beneath into thick brimstone.

"And rest your shoulders above a throne of blood and iron." The handsome man was no more. Instead, a demon so terrifying that people looking at him will petrify stood in his place. Fire surrounded him, yet the flames do nothing to repel the darkness he is shrouded in. "My name is Despond," the demon growled with steam emitting from his mouth, "Some call me a monster and some hold me as their king. I am the eighth Deadly Sin. The Demon Overlord."

He rose his head, his gaze burning into the eyes of the Hero. "But today, I will be the Hero Slayer."

Staring at the grisly sight was the girl called Hero. Blessed by gods, she has spent her whole life training for this day. Never taking breaks and not knowing fun, her childhood was filled with pain and scars just because she is the chosen one.

Having witnessed far too many sorrow and pain, her eyes are dull, too lifeless and colourless for a hero's eyes. They are devoid of hope or despair. They are eyes of a person with a tired mind and a broken soul. 

She is no Hero. Rather, she is but a monster draping the skin of a girl that has gone through the depths of hell and roamed countless battlefields. One with a broken soul, and whatever morsels of conventional morals or ethics has been shed away. 

"It's not that simple? I know that. People will never change. Our biggest enemy isn't from the outside. Rather, it is carved in our nature to use others as stepping stones to achieve what they want. Our true enemy is ourselves." Hero said in a monotone, disregarding people's beliefs as if they were nothing more but rumours. "Though that is not my duty. Saving the world and the humanity? What a joke. That's not my job. As the Hero, all I care about is killing-"

Despond grew restless of Hero's monologue. Rushing in with breakneck speed, crossing the distance in no more than a blink of an eye. Slamming down with Wrath's burning claw, but it got blocked by Apollo's shield, the force of the strike pushing her back.

Taking advantage of the added distance, she threw out Gungnir, the spear of Odin. Piercing through air with a thundercrack. Stricking Despond's chest with the heat of a thousand thunderbolts, but it left nothing more than a scratch.

The maiden swung her sword with full force, only to be blocked by the demon's arm. She gritted her teeth. Yes, she might be the one blessed by the gods, the human destined to bring salvation upon the human race. However, her enemy is the demon lord, the zenith of all evil. There is a huge difference between their power levels, and would be an uphill battle.

No words were necessary. This was the final battle, one between light and darkness. The exchange of beliefs would fall deaf on both ears as their minds were filled of absolute faith and with nothing but murderous intent.

They went on to trade blows, borrowing powers and weapons from demons and deities. There were flashes of light and howls of beasts, answering to the calls of their masters. 

And that's it for now. TIL I'm bad at writing fight scenes.

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