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Notes: This is a story about drug usage with some drug facts here and there. I do not in anyway condone or advocate drug abuse.

The girl sat on the toilet floor, crying and shaking. Her whole body reeked and her clothes were dirty as she had gone on weeks without showering. It is quite amusing, that, when humans find themselves in the most dire of situations, things that we deemed as life necessities such as hygiene or a bed to sleep in suddenly are no more than mere luxuries. Alas, this wasn't the most humourous of situations our protagonist is in. How did I end up like this? She thought to herself silently, vocal cords lacking the ability to form coherent words.

Three months ago

Sally had just underwent a complete makeover. She was determined to finally make a change, she would completely alter her image. She would no longer be the shy, introverted bookworm that just sat at the corner of the classroom all day - she would become a beautiful and fashionable girl that can get along with classmates. I will cast away my old image, and transform into a new me!

In that summer, she had a lot of first times in her life. For the first time in her life she visited a hair stylist, for the first time in her life she went shopping and picked her own clothes, and for the first time in her life she put on makeup. These were all quite foreign concepts to her, but it is of quintessence to becoming popular. Yes, she was determined to become a new person.

Two months ago

"Hi, my name is Sally, I'm looking forward to having a great school year with you all!" The pretty girl said with a sweet smile. With her stunning appearance, she had become the centre of all attention right as she stepped into the school gates. Now that she has showcased her charming and friendly personality, all the boys in the class have fallen heads over heels for the beauty and the girls could not wait to befriend such a likeable person.

I hope I wasn't too awkward with that self-introduction... She thought to herself as she sat down. She still could not believe the fact that the awkward girl a few months ago would now become this glowing ball of attention. All of her efforts have paid off, now surely she would not be dubbed as the weirdo in the class.

Right as the bell rung, the whole class swarmed around Sally's desk. People were fighting each other for a chance to talk to Sally or to get a closer look at her gleaming beauty. Before long, she had gotten the contacts of the majority of the class with a few invitations for lunch and to walk back home together. I did it! She thought excitedly, succeeding in her goal to become the most popular girl in class.

After school, she walked back home together with her newfound classmates and friends, drowned in excitement and happiness. It was her first time actually hanging out with others. They browsed stores and purchased some small novelties, talking excitedly as they did so. Sally was ecstatic to finally have friends, so she spent a bit more than she planed to do so.

As they left at the crossroads, Sally walked straight to the closest convenient store nearby. That day was the release date of the fashion magazine Fashionista, the trendiest fashion magazine the country has to offer, encompassing a wide array of topics and fashion statements. It was of quintessence for her complete makeover. She would only trust that magazine to provide her with the latest topics and clothing recommendations.

She walked into the 8-TWELVe alone, looking for the latest issue of Fashionista. When she found it, only one copy was in stock. After all, it is the bestselling fashion magazine in the country. How could she expect it to not be almost sold out within a day?

She reached out to pick up the magazine, only to touch a hand covering the same issue that she wanted to buy. She looked up at the owner of the hand to be met with a handsome man staring back at her. He had hair dyed blonde and a pair of hazel eyes that seemed to bore into her soul, and was wearing a ripped denim jacket with black, spiked clothing. He also had tattoos around his wrist and cheeks. She did not know why she was attracted to this dangerous-looking person. Perhaps it was the red string of fate, for the better or worse.

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