Chapter One

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Normal POV

Itachi was a pacifist, everyone who knew him personally could tell. He was kind, forgiving, thoughtful and understanding if given proper reason and such. He was a bit bashful and a bit stickler for rules, but he was still kind and very much normal despite some circumstances. His twin, unfortunately, is a huge contrast to his personality.

But despite her spitfire and anger fueled actions...

Fugaku still saw her as his favourite~

Sasuke stared, nervously, across the table, heart thundering with anxiety as his movements moved with forced grace that look a bit too much even in the naked eye. It was always like this, even before the massacre. The Uchiha would always end up like that because of how the other would look at him, and it hurt every time. Sitting across him, eating leisurely, was his older sister. Her void black eyes half lidded and cold, expression blank and bored as she munched and chewed her food.

The boy didn't knew why, but his sister always seemed to hate him. Everything he did never seemed to be able to appease her. He asked Itachi back then, but the male didn't knew why too. It was almost pathetic, Itachi himself not knowing what's going on inside of his own twin's head. But then again, she had always been the enigmatic one ever since she was a kid. But why..? Why does Akachi hate him, Sasuke, when he didn't do anything wrong? Sasuke slumped slightly on his seat, expression twisting to grimace, as he thought about it.

"Whatever the fuck that idiot Itachi said, ignore it. Or else..."

His eyes flicked back up from staring at his half eaten food. He jolted, face dusting with red. Akachi stared at him, long finished with her meal, hand supporting her cheek as her eyes met with his. Sasuke quickly ducked his head, not wanting to really meet his older sister's gaze. She always ended up giving him a look of disappointment and such, as if everything he did wasn't enough. Something cold softly pressed against his cheek, Sasuke blinked subconsciously leaning into it. It reminded him of his mother, Mikoto, whenever she smiled and praised for something little he had done. It was nice. His favorite person, beside Itachi, had always been his mother. His father being a walking bag of dicks didn't help to have, at least, a respectable title from Sasuke. Although his sister was a bit close to his father, more than Itachi had been to him.

Looking back up, a little hesitantly, he was met with a soft and kind smile from his big sister. One that looked like an absolute replica of Itachi. It made Sasuke stare, his mind slowly processing the sight before him. Itachi? Since when did he..? But he ran away, didn't he..? How is he..? And then his mind processed that one not so subtle fact. His older brother's hair is longer and in a low ponytail, while his older sister did the same.


Akachi got her hair cut after the massacre, and her hair's now a chin length. Her bangs shorten just enough to still brush over her eyes, and her hair short from the back and longer in the front. To put it simply, his big sister was a beauty. Wait. Sister? 

Sasuke's mind crashed completely.

"Wha-!?" He reeled, leaning backwards, his feet straightened causing him to fall back and topple along with his chair. "Argh!" He yelped, falling down back first. Sasuke groaned, body aching at the sudden quick movements.

"Ah? Eh? Are you okay?" His sister's voice rang slightly in his ears, mind still reeling from the fact his sister had smiled at him. Him! Do you have any idea how Sasuke practically got slapped in the face by reality that Akachi never smiles to anyone but Fugaku. Not kindly anyway. But that being said, Akachi never ever smiled to him. Or to anyone, really, for that matter. That being said, Sasuke's mind rang the question that his sister had just asked him.

"What." He said with absolutely blank tone, looking at the teen leaning over the table with a concern look. She reminded him of Itachi, always seemingly concerned and would somewhat dot on him when he get even the slightest of scratch, much like his mother, which reminded Sasuke again that his sister never cared. He remembered, quite clearly, this one time when he accidentally cut himself when he was left to train with a kunai, it bled pretty bad. And with the blood came the pain.

"Got yourself a scratch eh?" Was his sister, Akachi, had commented when he cried his way for help since Itachi was out in a mission, her mother out for groceries and his father off in some meeting. Akachi didn't gave the slightest amount of concern or worry, her eyebrow arched in question as he pointed to his wound, voice nonchalant and posture lazy and slouched.

In the end Itachi had walked in just in time before little Sasuke started fumbling with the medical kit Akachi had reached from the kitchen, since he was so fucking short it's not even a joke, and left him alone to tend his probably-already-infected-and-still-kinda-bleeding-'scratch'. He wasn't sure what to make when Itachi practically froze once his eyes trailed to Sasuke's opened palm that's still bleeding as said boy froze like a deer caught in head lights. The young ANBU snapped his mouth shut, walked out of the room and dragged Akachi by the ear and started scolding her.

Truth to be told, it heavily reminded Sasuke of his mother scolding his father for being late and breaking his promise to be home early for dinner. It was a comical and rare sight, really. That being said, he would've laughed at how his older siblings represented both of their parents quite respectively one way or another.

"A-ah..." He gaped, still confused. Mind racing as he stared up at Akachi questionably.

"Who are you?" Akachi suddenly reeled, confusion etched all over her face much like Sasuke. Although the fact that she didn't curse made Sasuke more surprised.

"Ehhhh..?" From that moment on did Sasuke finally discovered that Akachi and Itachi actually switch personalities once every month, their brain resetting after thirty seconds of exchanging persona. Sasuke was glad that it was all under one minute, he couldn't imagine Akachi suddenly acting a lot like Itachi for a whole hour and suddenly go back to being the worst sister of the year. Really, he can't.


"Oi, Itachi, whatcha' spacing out for?" Kisame commented, a little surprised, as he grabbed himself a cup of water. Itachi turned around, brows furrowed, with confusion etched on his face.

"Who the fuck are you? Some low-key rapist or some shit?" Itachi accused, leaning away from the tall and large blue skinned man. Kisame choked, nearly spitting out the water inside his mouth. "Also, where the fucking hell am I? This place smells like rotting flesh," Kakuzu, who was passing by, nearly tripped as his head whipped to the teen's accusing look that was directed to Kisame.

Who knew this boy actually had the balls to curse?








A\N; First re-written chapter finished, be happy.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jun 16, 2019 ⏰

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