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'I'm so alone!' I wailed, throwing my phone across my bedroom, startling my cat, Cat, and my best friend, Yuri.
Yuri shirked back, falling off of my bed with a thud followed by an 'ouch!'
'Sorry,' I smiled sheepishly as soon as she popped her head up from the carpeted floor, blowing her dark fringe out of her face.
'Yeah,' she groaned, making her way back on to my bed, her face looking flushed. 'You better be sorry, I could have broken a hip!'
'Yuri,' I frowned, staring at my friend. 'You're only twenty.'
She folded her arms in defence. 'So? It's never too early to get hip problems, you know?'
I chuckled at her statement, knowing that she would have said something like that.
    'Anyways,' She drawled, laying her hands in the grey fur of Cat, trying to pull him into her lap, the frowning when escaped. 'What makes you say that you're so alone?'
    I sighed, flopping back onto my bed, throwing a hand over my eyes dramatically.
'Everyone is in a relationship, but me!'
'I don't have a boyfriend,' Yuri giggled, leaning in closer to looking into my face.
My hand met her face, pushing it away.
She let out a soft 'oommf' nose as she almost fell of the bed again.
'You don't count!' I whined, turning onto my stomach, my face buried deep into my soft pillow.
    'Cat isn't also in a relationship either,' Yuri said, patting my cat lightly on the head, then retreating her hand quickly when it pounced at her pale hand.
     'He's probably secretly dating my neighbours cat.' I sat up in my bed, my dark hair all over my face. 'This is so unfair! I hate my life!'
Yuri's face suddenly changed, as if she had just gotten an idea. Her eyes lit up as she pulled her phone out of the pocket of her dress, the screen illuminating her already beautiful face.
'Have you heard about the "Bangtan Dating Services" app?' She asked me, still scrolling through her phone.
'The what?' I lowered my brows, confusion evident on my face.
'The "Bangtan Dating Services"?' She handed her phone to me and I stared at the soft pink shade that covered the screen that then formed into a picture showing seven, very attractive men.
I shook my head, trying to hand her back her phone. 'I'm not signing up for a dating app.'
She laughed, staring at her phone again now that it was in her hands. 'It's not a dating app, it's a dating services app.'
I threw my hands up, rolling my eyes. 'How is that any different?'
She ignored me, continuing to speak. 'These seven boys created the app not too long ago, they're basically your boy friend for a day, or for however long you need it.' She explained while I sat there bored out of my mind. 'For example, say you need a plus one to a party and have no one; you can use the "Bangtan Dating Services" app to help you! Or if you just want someone to talk to, they'll be there! Best thing is,' she grinned. 'You can ask them to act however you want! If you want them to be goofy, smart, anything that you'd want in a boy friend, it's all in the app.'
I found myself getting more intrigued by this app, but I kept my calm, not wanting Yuri to know.
'And all you have to do is sign up!' Yuri giggled.
'Depending on the date and what they're doing, prices change, which is reasonable.' She said, nodding to herself as she scrolled through the app.
'So, why not call it "Rent A Boyfriend"?
    She shrugged. 'It sounds dodgy like that'
     'The entire thing sounds dodgy,' I rolled my eyes. 'Going out with someone you don't even know! Who knows who they could be!'
     Something flashed in her eyes as she stared at the screen.
    'They are attractive, and I'm pretty sure they go to our university' she giggled as I tried to lean over to take a look at her phone. 'Especially this Kim Taehyung boy, I see him around sometimes.' She bit her lip as she observed his profile then after a moment burst into laughter, covering her mouth with a hand.
     'His bio says "sexy porn star"!' Yuri giggled.
    'What?' I said, snatching her phone off her, pulling it up to my face before directing the screen back at her. 'See what I mean? They're shady people! That's probably not even them!'
She snatched her phone back with a scowl on her face. 'Alright, but don't come complaining back to me that you're so alone when you have not one, but seven temporary boy friends right at the touch of a button!'
'Trust me,' I exaggerated. 'I won't.'


Chapter one is officially here... let me know what you guys think as I enjoy reading your feedback!

 let me know what you guys think as I enjoy reading your feedback!

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