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'Hey,' Yuri whispered across the table, catching my attention. I lifted my head up from the book I was reading and looked at her.
    'What?' I whispered back, not wanting to get in trouble from the librarian.
     'I made a profile last night!' She almost squealed, not able to contain her excitement.
    My mouth fell open, unable to process the fact that my best friend had actually even considered to do something as stupid as that.
     Yuri was grinning from ear to ear, her cheeks flushed a soft pink shade. She opened her phone up to the app, sliding it across the desk to show me her profile.
     I stared at the screen.
    'That's a pretty photo of you,' I admitted.
     She flicked her hair over her shoulder sarcastically, batting her long lashes. 'I know.'
     'Now what?' I handed her back her phone, still whispering.
She shrugged. 'Now, I set my date,'
I leaned forward a bit, intrigued. 'Who are you going to pick?'
She scrolled through the seven profiles, eyeing them all before scrunching her lips together. 'I don't choose who I get, it's random.'
I nodded, waiting for her to continue. 'All I need to do is fill out a form of what I want them to do, how they need to act and so on.'
'Don't you think it's a little weird?' I asked her, playing with the pages of the now forgotten book in front of me.
'What's weird?' She looked at me, playing with the lengths of her hair.
I shrugged. 'I mean, someone you don't even know is going to act like your boy friend. Isn't that strange?'
Yuri shook her head. 'When you think about it, it's kind of like going on a blind date, except in this case, you some what know what they will look like and how they will act.' She continued. 'And it's not weird, because part of the deal is no touching, kissing or anything else.'
My lips formed an "o" shape as she spoke.
'It's actually a pretty smart way to make money,' she leaned her head on her fist. 'They're probably loaded by now!'
I frowned. 'It's kind of sad though, I mean, don't they have lives. What if they want to have a partner one day, what will they think of it?'
Yuri shrugged, closing the book that was placed in front of her as she pushed herself out of her seat. 'Not my problem, I just want to go on the soft, sixties-movie like date that I've always dreamed of.'
She then winked. 'I'll catch you later, mum wants me home by six tonight.'
'See you.' I waved at her, still processing her words.

'What should I put in the form?' Yuri asked through the phone as I laid on my bed, staring at the ceiling.
I shrugged, knowing she can't see me. 'Not sure. What do you want to do on your date?'
'Hmm,' she thought. 'I want to go to art museums, eat ice cream, have a picnic by the river while the sun sets. All the good stuff.'
I chuckled dryly. 'Do you think your Bangtan boys can do that for you?'
'They have to,' she pouted. 'It's their job!'
'Hmm,' I rolled over so I was now on my stomach, my phone wedged between the side of my face and my shoulder as I picked at my chipping black nail polish. 'Let me know who you get, and how it goes,'
'Ooh,' she mused through the phone, I could tell she was smiling. 'Someone sounds interested!'
'I'm not,' I shot back quickly, holding my phone with my hand again. 'I'm just,' I paused to think of a suitable word, 'curious.'
'Mhmm, you tell yourself that.' Yuri giggled, something she always did when she made fun of me.
'I will!' I pouted before hanging up on her, annoyed that she could read right through me.
     I laid in my bed, my phone laying next to me as I felt my fingers itch to grab it.
     I refrained from touching my phone for a while, however curiosity got the best of me and I quickly grabbed my phone, entering the name of the app and downloading it on to my phone, knowing I was going to regret it in the long run.
    I tapped on the app, anxiously chewing on my bottom lip as I stared at the soft pink that filled the screen and then the signature "Bangtan Dating Services" in white cursive font.
     I was only doing this for fun, or so I tried to tell myself.
     I created my profile, uploading a somewhat decent photo as my display picture then filling out the necessary information for my page. I was then taken to the "Perspective Dates" section of the app where I was introduced to the seven creators of the app.
    I had to admit, all seven of the boys were extremely attractive.
    I observed their profiles, finding my heart to ache for every single one of them.
    However, I found one standing out the most to me, pulling at the strings of my heart.
It's just for fun, I kept telling myself.
All for fun.


chapter two is here, let me know what y'all think about it :)

chapter two is here, let me know what y'all think about it :)

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