2nd change

854 49 3

Amber POV

I decided right after school to change into my beautiful wolf.



'are you ready to go for a run'

'you know it'

I closed my eyes and when I opened them I was on all four feet er paws I am still not use to it. I took off running wow this is amazing the wind in my fur, my paws on the ground its the best feeling.



'I smell rogues we should go home'

'what are rogues'

'they are lone werewolves sometimes they are in groups of two or three but they are dangerous'

I cut the connection and ran towards the house and changed. I went in the house and walked into my room and climbed into bed and fell asleep.

Jake POV

I am in my office when Nick ran in and said "Alpha rogue entered our territory" I jumped up 'rogues entered our territory all children and pregnant women go to the safe house'. I pack linked to the rest of the pack I tan though the door jumped and changed in midair into a big black wolf with dark brown eyes. I landed on a rogue and bite into get neck killing it when my pack and I finish killing all of the rogues we just stand there. Looking around to make sure they are all dead

'Luke do you see any rogues'

'no we are good'

I cut the connection off.

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