you will not beleive it!!!!!

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Everyone but snow was in the living room,snow was in her room with her cat.

Snow: Aww!! aren't you a cute wittle puppy!

ice storm: *pants happily and howls really loud*

snow: sh!!!

Kat: Snow!!!!!!!!!!!

Snow:*sighs* What?!?!?!?

Kat: come here now!!!!

snow: fine!!! * pouts and walks to Kat*

Kat: some peoples are missing!

snow: who?

Kat: Ethan and Elsa

snow: oh....

Kat: wait what's wrong?

snow: uh...nothing its just Ethan found another girl he likes....

Kat: oh who?

Snow: Amyline......

Kat: o.O OK......

kit: guys I just saw Ethan and Elsa headed to the store.....

snow: was jack with them?

kit: uh......I don't think so....

snow: good

kit: why?

snow: I got a dare....

Kat: what's the dare?

snow: its for me and jack......

Kat: what the fudge is the dare?!

snow: oh yeah....for me and jack to get Ethan and Elsa kissing.....

kit+kat : oh

snow: yeah jack already read it

jack:*sneaks into room and flies upside down above snow* boo!!!

snow: ah!!!* drops to the ground and covers head with arms*

jack: lol

kit:* giggles*

snow:* gets up* shut up

jack: so snow you ready? * smirks*

snow:* furrows eyebrows* we have to wait for the others

kit: Elsa and Ethan are coming!!

snow: OK get ready!

jack: I'm going to hover above you the whole time......:p

snow: fine

*jack is hovering upside down above snow and snow is standing inches from jacks face,blushing*

ethan+Elsa: *comes in and sees snow and jack*

jack+snow: *kisses*

Ethan: *whispers* snow?

Elsa:* runs to her room and starts crying*

snow+jack:* stops kissing*

Ethan:* runs  to snow and Ethan's shared room*

snow: I guess we have to fix this now

jack: yep

Jack p.o.v.

as snow and I split up to make our friends feel better.

when I flew up to Elsa and my room I heard quiet sobbing from inside.

I knocked on the door,no reply only more sobbing.

I knocked harder,at first  I thought she didn't hear it,but then I heard Elsa's voice,"who is it?" she asked.

"its me,jack I have something to say to you."


I opened the doorknob and walked in,seeing the sky blue walls covered with frost.

Elsa was on the top bunk with her back towards me.

I flew up and landed in front of her,sitting down.

"Elsa, I'm so sorr-"

I was cut of by Elsa hugging me.

I hugged her as well, and the walls started to defrost.

"it was a dare,wasn't it?" Elsa said quietly.

"yes." I replied in the quietest voice I could muster.

snow's p.o.v.

as I walked up the stairs I couldn't hear anything.

the was dead silence.

I opened the door to my room and saw Ethan lying on my bed,with his head in the pillow.

"Ethan....." I said quietly,sitting down on the bed.

"what." he said,his voice muffled.

"it was a dare I'm sorry." I said,putting my head on his shoulder.

he lifted his head and turned around.

he smiled at me,his eyes still watering.

my light blue eyes catching his emerald green ones, he hugged me.

as we started to walk downstairs.he pushed me.

I screamed as I plummeted down.

I heard running and then stillness and gasps.....

I opened my eye and looked down.

I was flying,no I wasn't even a human.

I was a solid white Pegasus with honey-brown eyes and an aqua mane.

as I flew down,I calmed myself.

I felt my self morphing once I relaxed,and touched the ground.

I fainted as soon as I changed back,my head pounding.

---------- to be continued----------------------------

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