I love you too chapter 11.

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Demi's pov-

Did she really just say that to me? When I reach my room I pace back and forth repeating her triggering words in my head. "I could of still been In my perfect family if it wasn't for you" What did it mean? Does it mean that she never really liked me? Or that her mom doesn't want her cause of me ? Or that she rather be with them than me? I can't be mad at her, but it hit me hard. I didn't expect to feel this much impact from a 15 year old girl. Maybe I should go for a drive. It could be relaxing but I can't leave Paige in this state of mind. She probably feels really bad.

Paige's pov-

I'm such a bitch holy shit. After I walk out the bathroom I write a note to Demi. Which says "Dear Dems I'm horrible. You'll be better off without me . Bye." What she doesn't know is that I'll be under my bed. I place the note on the bed and crawl under it. I wait for her to walk in. Finally she does.

"You ok boo?" She asks barely above a whisper. Cause of her voice you can tell she's been crying. I feel a pang of guilt attack me and my heart telling me to get out and hug her now but I need to see if she really does care.

I hear her shuffle to the bed and here paper being picked up. At least she's seen the note. I soon hear a little screech come out of her mouth and hear a drop to the ground. I peak out just a little to see if she's ok. And I see her on the ground, hands covering her face and shaking. I can tell she's breathing heavily. Little sobs escape her mouth. She thinks I left, noting my windows have been open since I woke up this morning. She has no idea it was open earlier, so she thinks I jumped out the window probably. Oh god.

When she mutters "Paige don't leave me. I need you. I love you."

I know it's time to end the trick. She really does care, she isn't like the others. She cares.

Mumbling a "I love you too," back as an indication that I'm alive she picks her head up and shouts:

"If you're a fucking ghost now don't bother me." Following her laugh. As I crawl out from under the bed I wrap my noodle arms around her. She's still sitting on the ground, Indian style. I snuggle into her having her draw circles on the small of my back. I lift my head up to look at her and look at her face. It's red and under her eyes are puffy. Her eyes are still a little watery. Oops I feel really bad now.

"You know I love you. Right?" I say to her. She looks me straight in my eyes.

"Yes. I love you too baby girl," I giggle into her hair.

Demi and I are on the couch watching Garfield, and she tells me about how we she's going to Indianapolis the 30th, and that I need to go with. I simply nod . Half asleep I honestly don't know what's happening.

Demi's pov-

"You wanna watch more?" I ask my sleepy girl.

"No thanks mom," she replies. Did she just call me mom? My heart flutters and fills with love replacing and forgetting about all the hurtful words she told me earlier.

I carry Paige upstairs and place her In my bed. I snuggle against her.

"I love you mom." She says with a soft smile on her face.

"I love you too Paige."


An: I updated OMG!!!! Not surprising. Anyway update tomorrow. This was kinda a filler chapter. Hope you enjoyed! Peace out Girl Scout!

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