Home chapter 24.

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Paige's pov-

Mom's dead? This is real. She's really dead. They can't bring her back this time. I didn't even get to say I love you one more time.

I begin to hyperventilate and sob. I cry hard. Harder than I have ever had before. My super hero is dead. She's fucking gone. Through my teary vision I look around for relief.

A closed window. Pills. Or some kind of sharp doctor tool.

The sharp doctor tool is what I need. Grabbing the tool I race through the halls of the murder place looking for a bathroom. Knowing Nick is following me I dart into the men's bathroom because I know he would check the woman's bathroom. Locking the door I look in the mirror. The glow to my face came back, but will be away forever now.

The blood hasn't stopped coming out. Nick some how figured out I was in here, so I'm allowing my self to cry as loud as I want. I'm going to die here. Where my mom died. We'll have the same death date I guess.

Closing and opening my eyes every few minutes I see new events happening. First I collapsed to the floor. Then the door unlocked. After that I was lying on the ground being held by Marissa.

The last image I see is Marissa sobbing, and doctors trying to shock me back to life. My blurry vision makes out one last person. And it's Nick. He's looking at me disappointed. Upset that I killed my self. I am a disappointment. As my vision goes blurrier than ever before, my vision finally shuts out and I stop moving.

Bolting up right away I look around the room. Where am I? Didn't I just die. I look down at Demi. Wait, Demi? My eyes as wide as saucers, I look around at my surroundings. Marissa and Demi are chit chatting, and Nick is on the phone. I look down to my arms and notice their bleeding. So it wasn't a dream? Demi seems to notice their bleeding too.

"Paige oh my gosh what happened?" She exclaims.

"Aren't you dead?" I mutter. Demi lets out a small giggle thinking I'm joking, but my dead serious face tells her I am not in fact joking.

"No.. I'm alive.." she states, confusion lingering in her voice.

"But you died during your MRI and then I cut too deep and died.." I trail off looking at the plain white wall. If it was all just a dream why is my wrist bleeding? I look back towards Demi to see her glancing at my wrist and her sitting on her hands. Shit.

"Baby girl go clean your self up, you probably scratched a cut open. " She says. I nod and scurry out of the room.

Demi's pov-

I usually never get triggered when someone has cutting problems or something similar, but now I am. And it's really bad. I don't know what to do. What I do know is that sitting on my hands won't help. Marissa left with Paige. It's just Nick and I in the room and he's frantically texting someone.

"Nick," I croak out. He looks up at me with concern in my face. Shoving his phone in his pocket he gets up from the chair he was sitting in, and walks over to me. He hugs me tightly, put its a nice tight hug. And it warms my heart.

Since he's hugging me it makes me feel secure and safe, so I let all my emotions out. He looks lost, but he then smiles down at me and reaches for the back of my head and pulls my face closer to his. I crash my lips into his, and we kiss passionately making my heart melt and my insides feel like Jello.

After about a minute of kissing, he pulls away with a small smirk on his face. All my horrible thoughts are gone. My famous smile appears on my lips, and I feel like a 7th grader falling in love with their crush.

Paige and Marissa return with Paige's wrist wrapped in bandages. I motion for her to come by me, and I pull her into the hospital bed with me.

"So do you guys know when I get to go home?" I finally say.

"I think they're releasing you tomorrow," Marissa responds. Tomorrow I get to go home. I haven't been there for 4 and a half months.

Paige went home tonight, and my mom and dad are staying with me over night so I'm not alone. It makes me feel comfortable. But I'm so jittery because I get to leave almost my death place tomorrow. Finally falling asleep, I get awaken to someone poking me. Groaning I turn to the other side.

"You're leaving now," someone whispers. I jump out of the bed and grab my extra clothes bag and get change quicker than I would ever on tour. Smiling I run out of the room with my parents following me.

We reach my dad's car, and I get in the back. Pulling out my phone I check the time. 4:30 a.m.. Holy shit it's early.

After 15 minutes of driving we reach my house, and my parents walk me to the door. Typical overprotective mom and dad. Kissing each of them on the cheek and hugging them goodbye I get the keys out of my hospital bag, and open the front door. The house smells and looks different since the last time I was here. It feels like I haven't been here in forever. Wait, I haven't. Dropping my bag off in my room, I see Paige sleeping in my bed. Smiling hugely, I jog and jump onto the bed awakening a grumpy Paige.

"Who the fuck?" She hisses rubbing the sleep away from her eyes.

"Aw is my little Paigey, Grumpy from Snow White now?" I say in my most childish voice ever.

"Mom!" She whisper-shouts while launching her self at me.

"Hey baby," I mumble while hugging her.

"You are alive, I thought I was dreaming, I've missed you so much. Don't ever leave me again." She begins to cry.

"Ssh I won't sweetie. I'm right here, and I guess you're stuck with me forever now," I smirk.

"Good, I love you mommy, goodnight," Paige mutters drifting off.

"Night Paigey. I love you more," I say lovingly.

"If that's even possible," she giggles right before her breathing is calm and I'm soon asleep with her.


An: WOWZA! I got like 100 more reads in two days! Thanks guys! I love you all so much. And sorry for leaving you on a terrible cliff hanger last chapter!

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