Chapter 3

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I already don't feel good. I don't know why, I can't explain it. There's lines of kids with teacher names taped on the bleachers and breakfast tables. I find my teacher's name 'Ms. Meyers' and sit in the line. I don't know anyone here so I just sit. Then I see Dan, he's walking to his line, the teacher's name is 'Mrs. Wilmore' that's a nice last name. I sit and watch the kids talking and eating. Then a teacher walks up to me and says "Hello Phil, would you like to sit at the breakfast card table?" "Shure!" I reply, this sounds interesting. So I walk up to the table and sit. I organize the teachers names 'Ms. Niedert' in front 'Mr. Fisher' and 'Mrs. Arndt' by each other, 'Mrs. Long' and 'Ms. Henson' by each other and 'Mrs. Freeman' next to 'Mrs. Greenlee' the girl sitting next to me starts talking to her friend, I think her friend is named Sky. A girl walks up to grab her card and I say "You look like a..... Jenna, is that your name?" She replies with, "Uh no! Don't talk to me I don't like you."  Geez how harsh she doesn't even know me. I watch people get off of buses and walk in, it's boring but kinda fun at the same time. Then I see a boy with darker brown hair, it's Dan. He walks up to get his card and then leaves. I sit there bored until the bell rings. "First two lines you are dismissed." I walk to my line waiting for the other lines to go, then it's my lines turn. There's a huge crowd in the hallway as I walk to my class. I see Ms. Meyers standing at the door waiting for us, I stand in line and wait to go in the classroom. Ms. Meyers is a short and looks kind of like a toad, she reminds me of Professor Umbridge from Harry Potter. She has a rude looking attitude too. I walk in to the room and find my name tag 'Philip Lester' it says. I sit down at my seat, there's a girl with pink clothes and blonde hair her name tag says 'Allison Lams' (hehe Lams) she tells me hi and I say hi back. Then all of a sudden a wave of nausea hits me, I don't feel good at all so I walk to the trashcan and stand there for a second. I bend down next to the trashcan as I start to puke, the acidic taste in my mouth. I ask to see the nurse, I walk up the hallway, past the bathrooms near the main office and walk into the nurse office. She immediately calls my mom to get me.

(Time skippp)

My mom drops me off at my grandma's because I don't feel good. I sit and listen to music, mainly My Chemical Romance and Asking Alexandria. I'm hungry but I'm not eating, too much fat. I'm too fat. I can't eat, when was the last time I did eat?! Oh well I don't even care. I grab a Mnt. Dew from the refrigerator and sit at the computer desk. I sing along to the song "All I needed was the last thing I wanted! To be alone in a room!" I feel hungry. But I'm too fat I can't eat. So instead I walk into the bathroom, I sit there for a second, then I bend down next to the toilet. I stick 3 fingers down my throat, I gag but I don't puke. I do it again, then I puke the terrible taste once again in my mouth. I start to cry.

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