Chapter Two: The Trap

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A deep moan echoed around the tunnel, its source the plump blonde wolfess held captive several feet from the cavern floor. She squirmed uneasily in the grip of four tentacles while a fifth continued to pump a thick, fattening liquid straight into her belly. Johanna wasn't uncomfortable as she gazed at a bioluminescent light attached to another of the unseen creature's appendages, in fact she seemed quite content, even as her belly continued to bulge further and further with every gulp. Even so, this sort of sight wasn't exactly the thing that would bring a smile to the face of anyone watching it.

Yet smile Richard did as he continued to observe his helpless partner's plight, awestruck by the wolf's rapidly curving stomach.

"Look at how big she's becoming, look at how soft..."

"Yes, soft..." Richard sighed wistfully.

Indeed, the barbarian did seem to be growing softer as well, even as her stomach was filled with the strange liquid. Whatever the woman was being forced to eat, it must have been absolutely packed with calories, and digested quickly, as its effects were almost immediately observable on the wolfess's waistline.

In a matter of moments, the once plump barbarian started growing even more fat than before. With every gulp she swallowed from the creature, her belly sagged more and more before her, her already generous cleavage deepening as her breasts swelled bigger and fatter within her tightening leather top. Her arms, already soft, were now losing even more definition, what hint of muscle there once was on them swiftly being buried beneath a drooping avalanche of fat. The wolfess's leather bottoms, already having dug deep into a small, developing muffin top, began to creak loudly as her hips, ass, and thighs began piling on even more flab, thick blubber spilling both over her waistline and out the bottom of her skirt. Even the wolfess's face began to show the effects of her gain, despite having been mostly unaffected thus far. Before long, the wolf woman's once fierce features had softened, her cheeks puffing out as her chin began to swell and then multiply into double, then triple chins.

Johanna moaned a bit more loudly as she blinked at the creature's bioluminescent lantern. Somewhere in the back of her mind, she could feel that she was getting fatter... way too fat. She could feel how it sagged and drooped heavier and heavier with every second she spent suspended in the air, with every moment she spent trapped in this monster's clutches. Yet... what could she do about it..?

Lazily, but still with a bit of effort, the warrior woman's eyes pulled away from the light to glance at Richard. She saw him standing there uselessly, doing nothing, staring, drooling at her lecherously, before her eyes were drawn back to the glowing light, before her thoughts began to sink back into her mind just as her belly sunk closer to the ground below. Something wasn't right about what she saw, she knew her guildmate wouldn't just leave her to her doom like this, wouldn't just sit around, leering at her like... like...

A blush spread across her softening, pillowy cheeks, before she pushed those thoughts to sink along with all of the others, letting them be pushed away by that bright, soothing light. She stared deeply into it, but somehow it didn't hurt her eyes at all... There was a different feeling though as she continued to gaze into it, not pain though... but something odd, something... uncomfortable...

"Look at her Richard... Isn't she beautiful?"

Richard merely nodded, smiling imbecilically as he looked over Johanna's now fat form. The rogue was carefully studying every new fold, each and every new bit of flab and cellulite that formed on her fattening body.

"Look at how fat she's letting herself get, how nice and soft... Soon she'll be fatter than a cow, too obese to even lift a finger, spectacular, isn't it?"

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