Chapter Three

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During the drill, accusations went off claiming that Zane set off the alarm and started the fight. During Zane's study hall, he was called up by the principle. "Perry," the teacher called out distracting Zane from his work.

He collected all of his things and made his way to the office.

"Hey again!" a perky female greeted while he sat outside of the office, just waiting to be dismissed. What he didn't realize was that it was the same female that had tried to approach him in the hallways before.

"Do I know you?"

"We kinda got interrupted last time, my name is Zoe" the geeky female greeted stretching her hand out to him. "Zane,"

"Your hand, it's red" Zoe noticed after grabbing onto his hand. She gets scorched from his touch and drops it right away.

"It feels like the inside of an oven."

"Yeah um, must be an allergic reaction" he says rubbing a hand over his other one.

"So I haven't seen you around before, what made you wait so long to transfer?" She asked taking a seat beside him.

"I've been home schooled, my family is kind of freakish. It's my first last year of high school," he explains

"Happy birthday!" She exclaimed after a moment of silence while he stared at the door.

"How did you know?" He asked directing his attention back over to her.

"I help file paperwork for the principle, it's my responsibility to know all of the new students, if you ever need a tour guide, I'm your gal!" She cheered.

He noticed his dad enter the building from the distance. Chris walked up to the office, opening the glass door and signed him out at the entrance before signaling for his son to leave with him.

"Whose that?" Zoe asked.

"My dad," he stated. "Uhh, I mean my chauffeur." He lied to spare himself the embarrassment.

"Well he's hot," Zoe grinned while Chris stood there fixating his hair while turning to face the entrance with his body facing away from the two now. Zane stood up and swung his backpack over his shoulder.

"Thanks, I'll make sure to mention that to him. It'll really boost up his self esteem. He hasn't been lucky with women lately," he sarcastically mentions.

It wasn't until Chris broke the car ride silence on the way home that either of them spoke since leaving the building.

"You got into a fight on your first day of school? Zane what is it going to take for me to trust you," Chris said with an apathetic sigh.

Zane examines his hand, not attentive to his father. He reminisces back to the horror he saw strike earlier this morning and as he sat there and analyzed it. His hand sparked up once again at the thought and another ball of fire appears in his palm.

"Are you even listening to me Zane?" Chris asked after the boy stayed silent. Chris stared up at the rear-view mirror awaiting a reaction from his boy while Zane just sat there and stared down at his hand. He was reluctant to put it out just before his dad noticed. He speculated his arm some more elongating his fingers from the center of the inside of his palm to stretching them outwards.


"Listen. I'll be home after work to check in on you" his father says pulling up to their driveway to drop him off, 1329 Prescott Street. The address that never changed since the beginning of time.

His father worked as a mechanic at a car shop ever since he was clipped. Before then, he valued education and studied at just like any normal human would in University of San Francisco.

"Yeah I understand, after all you only turn eighteen once," Zane disappointingly replied.

"Zane wait," Chris sighed yet again after his son slammed the door on his way out. He dropped his hand on the wheel just staring out the window as he watched his son walk off in the distance with his head down.

After Zane entered the house, he sneakily ran up past the stairs and into the attic to read more about his powers.

Book of Shadows:

Yin and Yang & The New Prophecy

This occurrence falls on the dawn twins are conceived. The first pair of male twins who are born into a family of powerful witches, will be granted with infinite power. The first born with a soul as black as coal and captivates dark magic, will be granted with fire play. The second heir with a heart as pure as one that once belonged to an angel, will bestow the phases of water. These chosen ones will be deemed as the new source of power in their time.


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