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"Take my hand, we will get through this together"

-Words: 1,731-

I stepped out of my car, immediately being attacked by fan girls and paparazzi. I sighed, looking around for Louis. Once I spotted him, I slowly walked to him. He had an eyebrow raised, he looked hot.

"Hi?" Louis asked "Not meaning to sound rude, but who are you?"

I chuckled, my arm slipping around his waist.

"I don't mind you asking, I'm Harry Styles" He still looked confused, both my eyebrows raised, surprised "I'm not being cocky or anything, but, you've really never heard of me?"

He shook his head, he was shaking a little and I could tell he was a little overwhelmed by the paparazzi. I took his hand in mine and led him to my car. Once I'd closed his door and mine, I immediately started driving.

"I'm in this band, it's called Three Directions. My band mates are Zayn Malik and Niall Horan, we got famous by the X Factor... Now, enough about me, tell me about you..."

"I'd rather not talk about myself to be completely honest with you."

I loved the fact that he didn't act like I was this famous guy and acted different around me because of it. Usually, girls and guys would try to get in my pants once I told them.

"Oh... okay"

The rest of the drive was silent. I'm not going to lie, it was a little awkward. He propped his arm on the window. I noticed the amount of bracelets on his arms. I just shook my head and thought nothing about it.

Once we got to the cinema, I walked fast, holding Louis' hand inside, trying to avoid the pap. I bought two tickets to see The Conjuring. My plan was that Louis would get so scared that he would leap into my arms; we would kiss and fall in love forever!

Okay, maybe it was a little unrealistic and stupid, but don't blame me, it works in the movies.

My plan didn't work in the slightest. I ended up being the one scared. Louis just sat there the whole time, unfazed. I was surprised; he looked like the type of guy to be scared of this type of thing, and I looked like the type of guy who wouldn't.

"So, I'll just get a Taxi home. Because you know, I hardly know you..."

I laughed

"Yeah, okay, sure..."

He started walking but I grabbed his wrist, I saw him flinch but I just pulled him closer.

"H-harry? Wh-hat exactly a-are you d-doing?" He stuttered

I didn't reply I just pushed our lips together. I could hear hundreds of cameras going off to take a photo of the kiss. I frowned when he pulled away.

"Harry, I can't do this..."


"I can't do this... do us. I'm sorry; I've got to go..."

"Yeah, okay... that's okay..." But he was already gone...

That Night

Ring ring... ring ring... ring ring...

I picked up my phone. {A/N again, Harry is bold and Louis is italic}


"Hey Harry..."


"Yeah... I was wondering if you... w-we could maybe umm... t-talk about the k-kiss? The o-one that happened e-earlier today..."

"Yeah, okay"

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