♥ 3.0 ♥

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"To love is to recieve a glimpse of heaven"

-Words: 1,210-

2 Months Later…

It has been about 2 months since we had gotten together and we were currently sat in Starbucks, sipping on our drinks, talking and laughing. Louis licked a little bit of his whipped cream, and before he could swallow, I held his tongue.

“Hath, wa ayu doin’?” He mumbled I giggled, licking the cream off his tongue.

“EW, hazzy, that’s dis-“But his words soon turned into a moan as I slipped his tongue in my mouth and sucked on it and then pecking his lips.

“You’re still disgusting…”

“But you enjoy it”

“No I don’t”

“Yes, you do”

“Okay, fine, but you’re hot when you do it; you can’t blame me Harold…”

Louis had really broken out of his shell around me. It was still a problem getting him to do it with other people, but I didn’t mind, he trusted me and I felt extremely honored. According to what he was telling me and my observations, he had been clean for a whole 6 days and I was honestly extremely proud of him. We haven’t had sex yet, and I would never rush him into doing something he wasn’t comfortable in doing or wasn’t ready for. Well, if you don’t count how we first met, but, we don’t like to count that because we were both extremely drunk and we weren’t together back then. I’ve never brought him to one of my shows or anything where there was a lot of people, because I recently found out that he was severely claustrophobic and would have a panic attack when surrounded by a lot of people.

“Why are you staring at me Harry?”

“Because you’re beautiful….” I smiled.

He looked down blushing “No I’m not…”

“Yes. You.  Are.” I said, between every word giving him a light and quick kiss on his lips.


“So, a few pictures were leaked a few weeks ago and again this morning, care to explain who this mystery man is Harry?” The interviewer asked showing photos of Louis and me at the beach and at Starbucks earlier this morning.

I looked down, blushing

“Well, his name’s Louis, we’ve been going out for about two months now, and I haven’t said anything because, well, he’s extremely shy and doesn’t want our relationship to be publicized”

“That’s sweet Harry, now, Zayn; you got a girlfriend last week right? What’s her name?”

I noticed Zayn’s expression fell and he looked down, looking backstage, where Liam rushed out, obviously crying.

“Her name is Dasya, Dasya Beaumont… She’s a really beautiful and great girl; I think we’re getting serious…”

I’ve met Dasya, she’s a really nice person, and I think she’s got a girlfriend, so they’re like… double beards. Liam, obviously not liking the idea of Zayn getting a fake girlfriend, isn’t taking the situation well. The reason Zayn needs a fake girlfriend is because we’re a boy-band and Zayn is the most popular with the girls out of all of us. The fans cannot know that he’s gay because they would think that they don’t have any chance with him. I think it’s a stupid excuse, Management are honestly dicks, in my opinion.


Louis’ POV

I woke up the next morning, slowly trying to get out of Harry’s death grip. Yes, we live together; he said that he wanted to ‘keep an eye on me’. I finally got out of bed, only to be pulled down by Harry.

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