A villainous brother

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                    I hope you enjoy this chapter I worked really hard on it.

As the years went on Izuku and tomura grew closer they where never seen apart from one another they always held hands and played together. when tomura turned ten all for one decided it was time to start to train him to be his successor, the day he went to go get tomura he found that he couldn't enter tomura's room Izuku had put up a barrier with one of his quirks. he didn't want tomura to leave him. all for one made a deal with Izuku that he would be able to train with tomura if he wanted to. both Izuku and tomura got very happy that they could still be together. as their training progressed both boys got incredibly good at all form of martial arts they even invented some of their own styles, they also mastered almost all knives and guns. they where an unstoppable team. one day all for one asked them what they wanted to be tomura said he wanted to be a villain, but Izuku said that he wanted to be both a hero and a villain because he looks up to both. when all for one told him that the heroes had planned to use him as a weapon he was shocked and hurt the heroes would try to do that . he decided to be the best villain team with his brother and to make all for one proud since he saved him from a life of being an unloved weapon for the heroes to use. on tomura's 15th birthday all for one decided that tomura and Izuku would infiltrate UA they changed izuku's age and appearance so he looked like a 15 year old. due to all of izuku's quirks he was already more intelligent than anyone in the universe. all for ones secret plot behind sending the boys to UA was to give them a chance to be heroes if they wanted to or maybe they could bring together all the heroes and villains to work together and to end all the fighting and blood shed. all for one was tired of the war between villains and heroes he wanted to have the world finally be able to live in peace. he knew it would be hard to get the boys to agree to this plan because they had started to hate heroes because they tried to use Izuku as a weapon. all for one wanted the fighting to stop because as the years went by and he saw Izuku and tomura together he realized how much he missed his own dear brother that he had killed so long ago. 

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