Chapter one ( the beginning of the end)

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As I made my way down to the training ground, I heard familiar voices as I was about to jump out, but I stop in my tracks and hid my chakra when I heard the voices and laughter as they spoke.

"She weak man last I don't know why she even trys anymore she useless." That was Naruto I wonder what who he talking about?

"Ugly so useless really sucks being on the same team as her she has no skills as a ninja." Thats sai Wait he said ugly is he talking about me?

"Haha sai you sould have seen her when we were kids man she cried so much it was annoying I had to save her everytime someone would bully her god I pity her man I don't know why the Hokaga took her as her student all those years ago man." Ino h-how could you.

"Sigh it's sad really I'm the only one who has no type of jitsu yet I she weaker then me I say she only good for a pretty face." Lee you too?

"Not even man I don't know what I saw in her I'm planning to night to break things off with her then after that me and Tenten can go public." N-neji how could you i-i loved you.

"She quit stupid like come on how can she not figure it out that she being play right Neji-kun?" Tenten you back stabbing bitch.

"Yes my love." Basterd.

"It is sad but she can get stronger if she trys." Aww Hinata I knew you would be on my side.

"Hinata I doubt that will happen."


"Even akamaru agrees with me." Come on Hinata come on.

"I guess your right kiba." I felt tears run down my face Hinata you too?

" troublesome women she is she pathetic."

"Yes she is indeed."

"Haha she apathetic use of a waste of space she should just die I'm sure she won't be miss." I heard them all laugh as I look from my hiding spot I saw all of khona 11 I slowly backed away as quietly and quickly as I can and ran to the hokaga office my chakra was still hidden of course but before I knocked on the door I heard voices it was both my sensei's I listen in to there conversion.

"Kakashi are you sure you want her off your team I know not to your liking but she stronger then what you think of her to be."

"Yes I'm sure the last mission we went on she did nothing don't get me wrong she a great Medical Ninja but I believe she be better use in the hospital then as a Shinobi."

"Sigh she not going to like that you do know that right she more temper headed and hot headed then before she became my student she much stronger then you give her credit for kakashi I really think you should think this threw I know my student well."

"Yes I'm sure I know she your student but she mine to she not ment to be a Shinobi Ninja."

"Sigh if that what you think fine I'll fine someone to take her place but remember kakashi you may later regent this."

"No I won't I never have before she just better used as a Doctor she needs to learn that." I started to cry more as I heard kakashi say that in a cold hard voice as if he had no care in the world.

"Sigh I see then I'll take your advice started tomorrow Sakura Haruno will be nothing more then a medic." No no no I did a quick u turn and ran to my childhood home where I lived alone for the past 3 years since my adopted parents death but of course no one knows that but me and the late hokaga. As I made it in the house I slammed it closed and ran up to my room and cried even more I don't know how long it was but I fell asleep from the crying but when woke up I look to the window I saw it was night time I sat up and rubbed my eyes.

Hey outer you alright it not worth it don't cry there not worth it were strong after all we surpassed both our sensei's in strengths and skills there wrong you know that.

"Sigh I've got an idea."

Oh what's that cause I was thinking we should leave after all there is nothing left here for us plus I know you do t want to be just a medic it's not us after all.

"Your right maybe we should go I'm sure brother won't mind us looking for him."

Yup maybe we could join him.

"Sigh you think he would mind that?"

He our brother of course he will plus there no reason to stay here.

"Sigh let's do this then." I stood up and started to pack everything I own and put them in scrolls after a did that I shoved all 13 scrolls in a bag and threw it over my shoulder I then walkout the house I looked back at it.

Thinking what I'm thinking outer?

"Burn it down into it's nothing?"

Oh yes, I love it when you talk like

I gave a small laugh and did a fire jitsu pointing it tours the house I watched it start to burn I then heard thing footsteps and yelling I quickly hid my chakra and transformed my body into crow and flew tours the woods when I was outside far from the gates I transformed back into my normal self I let out a loud sigh of relief when I looked tours the village I could see the Fire that I started it got bigger as I was looking at the light of the Fire I heard a snapping of a stick I quickly pulled out my ax and got into a fighting stand.

"Who's there?" I saw a figure slowly come out from behind a three and made it's way to me my body slowly relaxed when I saw who it was he placed his hand out tours me to grab it then his other hand had a kunai I looked up to him to see him giving me a soft smile I looked back to the village then I slowly pulled my leaf headband off then grabbed the kunai from his hand and sliced a mark threw the leaf village sign then wrapped the headband back in placed I slowly grabbed on to his hand and looked up to him giving him a smile as I felt him give it a light squeeze he then pulled me to him and wrapped his arms around my waist and bend down to my ear.

"Let's take you home where you belong dear sister father will be pleased to know your still alive."



As I was about to dismiss Kakashi from my office the door slammed open revealing my assistant Shizune she was out a breath.

"Shizune what's going on what happen?" She looked to me with pain in her eyes.

"Shizune?" She started to cry.

"F-fire S-Sakura house is on fire w-we can't fine any chakra signal anywhere." I ran out the office and headed to my Apprentice house as fast as I can on the way over there o ran into khona 11 Naruto was yelling my name but I just ignored him and ran when I made it to the house it was indeed burning with flames I concentrated on looking for Sakura chakra but I found non I slowly drop to the ground on my knees and started to cry she was like a daughter to me and she gone.

"B-Baka-chan w-what happen you just fle- w-where Sakura this is her house where is she?" I stood up from the ground and faced Naruto the rest of khona 12 well 11 now and their sensei's.

"S-Sakura Haruno is dead."

To be continued..............................

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