Chapter 4 (Little Brother observations and brotherly talk)

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Sasuke point of view

As I stood in behind the hoodie girl she turned her head to me.

"If I see you attack him I won't hesitate to kill you is that clear Little Uchiha."I gave her a nod.

"I'm not gonna kill him yell yes but kill no." I watch her give a nod before opening the door and walking in i soon followed behind her to see that Itachi was laying on a hospital bed with his eyes close I looked to the hoodie girl to see she was talking of here Akatsuki coat but she still had a mask on and a hoodie covering her her face and hair I looked onto the back of her sweater to see that there was a uzumaki clan mark.

"Y-your a Uzumaki?" she turned her head to me and gave a nod as she was putting gloves on.

"Yes that would have been implied when we were in the office with my father his real name is Nagato Uzumaki i'm sure you knew that." I watched her walk to where Itachi was at and shook him.

"Weasel-Kun you need to wake up you have a visitor and I need to check your eyes." I sucked in my breathe as his eyes filter open.

"Sa-"I watch her placed a hand over his mouth.

"Were not alone weasel-kun." I watch Itachi sit up and looked to me then he turn to the Uzumaki girl and gave her a glare.

"Don't go giving me that look do you think I want them here if you have a problem go talk to my father it was his idea to give your younger brother your last mission report and force me to tag along with that idiot older brother of mine-." Itachi cut her off bye laughing which came to a shock to me and I'm his blood brother.

"Haha breathe I feel your chakra all firing up right now." I watch Itachi give a soft smile to her and used his hand to poke her forehead like he used to do to me as a kid.

"Go at your own past don't speak so fast okay blossom."

"Sorry weasel-kun let me check your eyes closed them and make sure you don't turn on your sharingan okay." He gave a nod and closed his eyes as the Uzumaki girl brought her hands to the side of his face were his eyes were and her hands started to glow a green color which im taking a guess is her chakra.

"Tusk your over doing it again if you don't let your eyes rest you will go blind your not aloud to go on any missions for a week and if my father saids you on one within that week tell him i'll kill his ass is that clear Uchiha!!!!"

"Sigh yes ma'am so scary you know that." I study Itachi movements around this girl whoever she was he seem to be happy around her and I couldn't help but smile to see him with a smile as a kid it was rear to see him happy.

"Oh I can be much more scary if you don't follow my order I'll make sure you won't ha-" she was cut off with Itachi hands over her mouth.

"I got it Blossom promise."

"Hn."I watch him give her a smile.

"Blossom do you mind if I speak to my brother alone?"

"No of course not I have to go find my brother Shinto anyways see you later." He gave her a small smile and poke her forehead.

"I'll see you later blossom." she gave a nod and walked tours the door before she left the room she turned to me.

"Remember what I said little Uchiha."                          


Itachi Point of view

As I watched my blossom leave the room I heard the little threat she gave my younger brother sigh she truly is one of a kind.

"Why?" I turned my head to Sasuke as I heard his voice.

"I did what needed to be done nothing else to be said foolish little brother."

"I understand that I read the scroll but why didn't you tell me why didn't you take me with you."

"You place is the village and I didn't want you apart of this and I still don't my plans were to watch you grow stronger fight you then die bye your own hands that's all I wanted but now since you know the truth i'm sure your goals changed."

"Yes they have an I wish to fight by your side dear brother so please let me fight by your side." I looked to him to see he had the same will fire as my blossom I gave a smile to that.

"Sigh your a pain you know that foolish little brother but if you think you can do it so be it i'll let you fight by my side but if something goes wrong at the end of all this you must promise me one thing."

"And that is?"

"The girl that was here earlier if things don't turn out the way it's plain in the future promise me you keep her safe and if it comes to a point were both mine and her life is on the line please don't heist and come save me save her first do you understand me."

"B-Brother I can-"I cut him off.

"No save her first she means the world to me if anything was to happen to her I won't forgive myself so if there a time when things don't go well like there suppose too you have to keep her safe Sasuke please for the sake of my unborn child and wife."                                                                             

.....................................................To Be Continue.

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