Avengers Preference ➸2

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he has a nightmare
Steve: Steve has nightmares quite often, when he does you and him stay up a bit. You lay together in the dark, his arms wrapped around you as he explains his nightmare to you. You do what you can to help him, which generally consists of you listening and reassuring him. Before the two of you fall back asleep, you tell him some random silly story of yours, probably of you embarrassing yourself somehow, to lighten the mood and make him laugh.

Tony: Tony often has nightmares about New York. In the middle of the night he'll wake up in a panic which is followed by a serious anxiety attack. When this happens, you are always by his side and there to try and calm him down. It's very hard for him to go back to sleep after a nightmare, so he will go down stairs and work on his projects.

Bucky: Bucky is the one with the worst nightmares, practically every night he will wake up screaming. Sometimes he has multiple nightmares that occur the same night. Getting him to calm down is quite the task, but you've found a way to sooth him. You run your fingers through his hair in a slow and gentle manner, quietly humming him a song. This always helps him relax after he has a nightmare. After he's relaxed, he'll lie back down and just look at you, afraid to go back to sleep, knowing he'll have another nightmare. You just continue to run your fingers through his hair, soothing him as you both lie face to face until eventually his eyes fall shut and you both fall back asleep.

Thor: When Thor has a nightmare, no matter what the time, you both get out of bed and go for walk to clear your minds, get some fresh air and talk about it. His nightmares usually involve war, death and harm towards the people he cares about. You listen and comfort him best you can, telling him everything will be okay and that no harm will come to anyone he loves. Usually after talking about your nightmares and fears, you will stay up just to talk about other random silly things to get his mind off of the nightmare.

Loki: When Loki has a nightmare, he doesn't like opening up about it. Sometimes he will, but it's very rare. Loki isn't one to open up about much in the first place, but you wish he'd tell you his nightmares so that you could help him but he likes to keep to himself and act like it never happened. He just lays back down and falls back asleep. You cuddle up to him, showing him you're always there for him when he needs you and he understands this. Yet he says nothing, he just wraps his arms around you and holds you close.

Clint: After Clint has a nightmare you two like to stay up and have fun playing random games, eating midnight snacks and just forgetting all about it. And if one of you starts to fall asleep, you do something to wake them up; pouring water on them, hitting them with a pillow, blasting music...anything you can come up with. And since you stay up all night, you spend the next day sleeping, cuddled up in bed together.

Bruce: Of course, Bruce having nightmares is bad. His heart rate increases and he wakes up freaking out. Though it may be alarming and scary, you are always there to calm him down, bring his heart rate down and comfort him. You reassure him and tell him all is well and he is okay. After a bit of talking and calming down, he is finally able to go back to sleep. You lay together, having you in his arms always makes him feel better and relaxed

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