the bumped person

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I got bumped and I looked up and saw cream got drop in the ground too she was rubbing her head

"sorry I wasnt looking"we both said at the same time then we giggle and stand up

"so amy wheres your next class"she ask me "its gym whats yours"i answered and ask she got exited "same class amy"she said

       we both high five and go to gym while were walking were also talking then she said something unexpected

"amy do you like somebody if yes tell me and ill tell you mine"she said I think I can trust her "ok but dont say it to someone else and I wont say yours"i said she nodded

"ok I like shadow the hedgehog"i said while blushing "ohhhh ok mine is tails hehe"she said also blushing

      we then got to gym then I saw shadow in there then I looked at cream who was smiling at me and hitting my arm by her elbow playfully

"shut up cream lets go sit somewhere"i said then we sit and watch everyone doing practices


I saw amy sitted then I saw sonic silver and tails coming to me "hey shads lets challenge all four of us"sonic said

     "what is it"i ask "push-ups"silver said "ok"i said im just doing this for amy

then four of us lay down and getting ready "ok guys you must do 100push-ups ok"scourge said

      he will be are judge or something "ready.....set....go"he shouted then we started


Wow there good at push-ups then I can see silvers hand is getting red and sweating hard and then

      "DROP"scourge shouted then theres only tree more then I looked at cream and she is frowning I looked and saw tails getting slower and then

       "DROP"scourge shouted then I comforting cream that its ok atleast his the third place not the fourth

then the both of them are counting 90,91,92,93 i can see both of them sweating and hands are getting red then"DROP"scourge shouted then-


me:oh yeah guess who loose and guess who won

shadow and sonic:its me'look at each other'grrrrrr 'then started kicking eachothers butt

amy:guys stop it

shadow and sonic'still fighting'

amy:'gets angry'i said STOP IT!!!

shadow and sonic:ok 'stop fighting'

me:thanks amy

amy:your welcome and guess who win

shadow and sonic:i am 'gets angry and fighthing again'

me:bye guys pls keep reading love ya

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