Chapter One

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The road is dark and covered with colored leaves. An early rain has created a slick surface with leaves matted against the road. A light fog floats feet above the road.

The wind whips tree limbs and shakes off any remaining leaves that are left behind. A 1968 Imperial whips up the road tossing leaves to and fro. A gruff, unshaven 20-year-old hulky man is behind the wheel. 

Colleen, a pretty young woman in a nurse's uniform stares out the window doing her best to ignore her boyfriend, Jimmy.

The radio is on as commentators discuss the newly elected Jimmy Carter as the President of the United States. Jimmy turns the radio off and slows. There is a lit sign on the driver's side that reads "Cold Springs Cemetery".

Jimmy turns and looks at Colleen, who does her best not to acknowledge him, asks, "Isn't this where you wanted to stop? Or are you too afraid the ghosts might get you?"

Colleen exhales and fogs the window. She's drawn to it for a moment but says barely audibly, "stop joking around. I'm sick of you doing this all the time. When will you grow up?"

Jimmy taps the brakes and lights up the road behind them in amber. "If you're so sick of it then why don't you let one of your other boyfriends take you to work?", Jimmy growls.

Without flinching Colleen replies, "maybe I will."

"Don't push your luck," says Jimmy.

Colleen is exhausted from the same thing from Jimmy and exhales, "you are crazy. I'm getting out."

Jimmy slams on the brakes and says "Fine! Get out then. You're gonna walk to work?"

Colleen turns and faces Jimmy and grits her teeth, "I'll get a ride from the next car that comes by. I'll take my chances that a stranger will treat me better than you."

Jimmy stops the car and says nothing. He just stares straight into the fog rolling over his headlights. Colleen takes a moment to look at Jimmy, possibly hoping that he might stop her from going. Jimmy does nothing and Colleen opens the door and steps out of the car.

Colleen barely has enough time to put her purse over her arm before Jimmy steps on the gas and disappears into the fog. It only takes a few seconds before his lights are fully out of sight.

Colleen looks around, but between the fog and darkness make it impossible to see even a few feet in front of her. She hears a rustle in the woods as the wind whips up. She turns to see a sign that says "Cold Springs Cemetary" swaying in the wind. A chill comes over her as she turns and starts to walk swiftly down the road.

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