Kirby the pokemon + Kiss + Willn't

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So uhh...

My friend and I were trying to think of a pink pokemon, and my friend goes and says.

"What was that pink pokemon? Oh yeah, Kirby!"

I looked at her for a few seconds before bursting out laughing, she did too. I had looked up a picture of Kirby and showed it to her.

That was gonna be the funniest thing all day until.

I was standing in line for lunch and my boyfriend was behind me, we were talking together and this guy in my class was standing there kinda watching us.

All I hear was him say "Kiss" and I burst out laughing along with my boyfriend.

I thought again that that would be the funniest thing all day until.

I and my boyfriend were doing partner work in science, we were talking and I put the word won't in my answer.

So he went on a tiny rant about how won't isn't a word.

During his rant, I had erased won't and put something else,

after my boyfriend's small rant, I had said

"Fine, Willn't then!"

We laughed for 5 mins straight.

That ended up being the funniest thing all day 

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